Time for the Church to Step the F Up


PREMO Member


also STOP spending money to send economic migrants to the US


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Let us be clear:

When they say they are suing the Trump administration, what they mean to say is they are suing the American people. If they get a cash settlement, no person in the Trump admin will pay up - We the People will.

So We the People basically told them no, you can't have our tax dollars, you ****ing crooks. And the Catholic Church said, "Fine, bitch, then we'll pay off some judge to take it from you and give it to us."

If the CC wants money for illegal aliens they can take up a collection. Have a Bingo Night. But they have no right to OUR money for their special interest.

But now we know why the CC supports the satanic Democrats - they get paid. And isn't that always the way with these effers?


Well-Known Member
Let us be clear:

When they say they are suing the Trump administration, what they mean to say is they are suing the American people. If they get a cash settlement, no person in the Trump admin will pay up - We the People will.

So We the People basically told them no, you can't have our tax dollars, you ****ing crooks. And the Catholic Church said, "Fine, bitch, then we'll pay off some judge to take it from you and give it to us."

If the CC wants money for illegal aliens they can take up a collection. Have a Bingo Night. But they have no right to OUR money for their special interest.

But now we know why the CC supports the satanic Democrats - they get paid. And isn't that always the way with these effers?
The church is so un-Christ-Like now adays it's ridiculous.

Hubby is at the Methodist church up the street... it's an exceptional church... it is charitable, kind, and loving.

Hubby is picking up food for the food pantry here in our community. A lot of people don't have cars so they depend on the food pantry for some things.

Wasn't it Jimmy Carter who called on the churches to help? I forget.... one of them did... and the churches went to work...

Oh and can't leave this out.... it's about Social Conscience.... smile



Well-Known Member
The Vatican invented corruption. When touring the Church of the Holy Sepulchre the tour guide pointed out the tin star of david on the floor where Christ was born. He mentioned it was a Gold Star until the vatican got their hands on it. Israel has asked that it be returned. Of course it's part of their portfolio now.


PREMO Member

I can find bishops who are quick to criticise any politician who wants to protect their nation’s borders.

I can find bishops suing the US Government for more tax dollars for people trafficking.

I cannot find bishops speaking out against Christians being beheaded by Mohammedans.