Meanwhile, the cherry on the top was how mad the left was over it. Former CNN stooge Don Lemon was just beside himself, unable to understand how Time could have done this.
"If they wanted to make him person of the year...they could have done it with any person," Lemon whined, clearly not understanding the purpose of the choice. "Just because you are elected President of the United States doesn't mean you should be elected Person of the Year! Time Magazine, what are you doing?"
He then went off on some rant about what they would say to the women who have to deal "with issues women have to deal with." Um, I'd say a lot of smart women just got jobs in the Trump administration?
Lemon ranted about Trump being a "convicted felon" and said maybe this all wasn't real, and someone must have put out a fake tweet. Nope, Don -- it's real, and it's delicious, and all you guys are going to have to deal with it or continue to throw fits for the next four years.
But you know the fit that some were having? Even Hitler was named "Person of the Year" (back when it was "Man of the Year"), according to Democratic strategist Adam Parkhomenko.