Tips on How to Survive Black Friday


I wanna be a SMIB
I send the hubby who gets up at crack of dawn if theres something I want. I on the other hand, stay in bed.


New Member
I usually hit up the stores. I go to Toys R Us and get the chosen cousin (we draw names) I have that year for christmas, the coolest gift for their age range. I am a moron with kids toys so their staff is great to inform you what is the best gift in your price range. Then its off to Department stores for my mom, dad and siblings. I am just a sucker for good deals.


This is funny.

Stay out of my way if you're standing in front of K'B Toy and Hobby at 6:00 AM when I'm trying to get into my store.

I have to get down on my knees...(floor locks) and I have spent many years politely trying to get through the line that stretches across my storefront, and outside of the mall, only to have an idiot think I'm trying to butt in line to get the "latest" hot, have to have, to die for, to fight for, hot gizmo of the season. Somebody pushed me over one year, and honestly traumatized me. This is one of the reasons that I HATE the holidays.

I think all of you who do that (stand in line) are goobers. :shortbus: