

In My Opinion
Daughter wants me to get it because one of her friends have it.

so, being not up to date on this wonderful technology, I have no idea if it is worth my time and trouble to actually buy it and put it on my line.

I did see that there was a monthly fee associated with TIVO, why?

Can I still use the thing without paying the monthly fee?

I have no clue what it is other than it can record shows. I have a VCR still that can do that, so whats the difference?

by the way, since sports are never turned on in our house, I doubt that the instant replay during football games would be of any interest to anyone here.


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bcp said:
Daughter wants me to get it because one of her friends have it.

so, being not up to date on this wonderful technology, I have no idea if it is worth my time and trouble to actually buy it and put it on my line.

I did see that there was a monthly fee associated with TIVO, why?

Can I still use the thing without paying the monthly fee?

I have no clue what it is other than it can record shows. I have a VCR still that can do that, so whats the difference?

by the way, since sports are never turned on in our house, I doubt that the instant replay during football games would be of any interest to anyone here.

We have three of them in our house. I used to think they were pointless - now I can barely see why I bothered to watch TV without it.

Now for us, we have DirecTV - the TiVo box *replaces* the cable box, so there's no *additional* charge. We buy the box outright, and pay the 5 dollar or so charge for the box, which we would pay anyway. I'm still not sure if we pay for the additional line that comes in (because TiVo needs TWO incoming lines) but it really doesn't matter to me.

There's probably about three or four features I use which makes it invaluable to me. By far the best is to set up for all the shows you regularly watch - or want to watch. I'll set up one of my boxes to record Heroes, 24, CSI, Battlestar Galactica, The Unit etc. - I might have as many as twenty shows but there's really no limit. I can have it record all of them - up to 5 each - only first run - or include re-runs - whatever I want. The only limitation is that I only have about 60 hours of programming at any given time - plenty of storage.

What this DOES for me is allows me to watch my shows whenever I sit down to watch TV. So, when I get home, I can watch last night's "House", edit out the commercials. Or I can watch both parts of a two-parter if I let enough time elapse, and that's easy to do when you watch TV for 2.5 hours at night and you have 60 hours of programming to work with.

I can also record Pay-Per-View. My wife does this all the time. She uses the control to order Pay-Per-View and it records its at whatever time she picks. And she doesn't have to watch it then. So if "The Lake House" comes on on Pay-Per-View at midnight, she just clicks it, it's ordered, and she can watch it anytime afterwards, as long as she keeps it on the TiVo.

A couple other features which I use - stopping it for bathroom breaks, phone calls and so on. Regular programming has lots of commercial breaks. If you pause "live" TV when you go to the bathroom or run to the kitchen, you'll "lose" a few minutes of TV time - but that means at the next commercial, you can skip over it until you catch up. So TiVo means you don't even have to wait for a commercial break - you just pause when you feel like it.

Our TiVo has a couple other minor functions I like - one of them has an automatic "backup" - it assumes when you scan forward, you'll just miss the spot you want - so it will back it up about ten seconds for you. It has the ability to just back up a set amount of seconds if you just missed something - like a comment you didn't hear right.

We plan to let our TiVo record most of the new season of 24 before we start watching it - so we don't have to deal with the cliffhangers. And I can't tell you how cool it is to record a whole miniseries just by clicking one button and getting it all in when it runs, especially when they re-run it till late at night in one marathon burst.

Lastly - we don't buy premium cable channels. But they DO run "freebie" weekends a few times a year. TiVo tells you about these most of the time, and I usually sit down and mark all the free movies I want to record. So every few months I get about a couple dozen movies to watch for free.

I think I'd go nuts with TiVo if I was a sports fan. I'd probably have one for every TV in the house.


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Oh - I almost forgot - TiVo is always recording whatever channel you're on (obviously, in order for any of the 'pause live TV' functions to work). The only exception is when it is recording TWO broadcasts at the same time, and then it must be on one of the two for you to watch.

But this has at least one other advantage - say, for example, you have the TV on for a while, "The Matrix" comes on, you realize after twenty minutes that you really don't have time to watch it all. If the TV was ON this channel when it came on, you just press record, and it will keep the entire broadcast from the beginning. Otherwise, it will usually only back up to the previous half hour break. This can be especially useful if the show you are watching is ALMOST OVER, and you decide you'd like to keep it - you press "record" and it keeps the whole show, because it's been recording it since you turned it on. My wife does this for cooking shows all the time.


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Damn - I forgot something else. Every once in a while, an ad will come on saying that the new season for 24 comes on in January, but there will be a special two-hour "prequel" coming on at (some date) and a little green "thumbs up" will pop on the screen. This is telling you, press the thumbs up button NOW, and I'll just record this for you whenever it comes on - you don't even need to go look it up. Sometimes for Pay-Per-Views, this will appear and it's really useful, because I don't usually scour the Pay-Per-Views to see what's on. But they're at LEAST as cheap as a Blockbuster rental, so it's worth using.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
How funny - I was just looking at the Tivo site yesterday, trying to decide if I want to get it for Larry and the girls for Christmas. :lol:

I almost never watch TV. And when I do it's usually something on the History Channel or Food Network. I'd rather surf the internet for mindless entertainment, plus I read a lot. But Alex always has some show she's obsessed with and MUST be home to watch. And Larry is constantly flipping between several programs.

So maybe.....


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vraiblonde said:
How funny - I was just looking at the Tivo site yesterday, trying to decide if I want to get it for Larry and the girls for Christmas. :lol:

I almost never watch TV. And when I do it's usually something on the History Channel or Food Network. I'd rather surf the internet for mindless entertainment, plus I read a lot. But Alex always has some show she's obsessed with and MUST be home to watch. And Larry is constantly flipping between several programs.

So maybe.....

Thing is - it's pretty cheap. About as cheap as a VCR without any tapes and easier to use. Plus if you're into the History channel, you could record every single history of Rome episode and watch ten minutes worth any time you felt like it. My wife records the Iron Chefs, Paula Dean, Rachel Ray, Everyday Italian - all those guys - and watches them sometimes late at night when she can't sleep and all there is on is stupid infomercials.

And of course, TiVo means, you don't HAVE to be home to watch it. I was with a buddy of mine and invited him and his wife to drop by and he mentioned he'd missed Heroes (because I'd told him to drop by earlier to watch it). I said "duh...TiVo..I have the whole season".

I'm telling you - when I got it for Bluejay a couple years ago, I think she thought it was the stupidest present she ever got. Once you use it, you'll wonder why you didn't always have it.


I wanna be a SMIB
All I have to say is Ive had Tivo since it came out and I cant live without it. Mine is so old I now need a new one. God I hate upgrades.


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baileydog said:
All I have to say is Ive had Tivo since it came out and I cant live without it. Mine is so old I now need a new one. God I hate upgrades.
I still prefer the older Sanyo ones to the latest one (with the white remote). The old one was MUCH easier to use.


New Member
bcp said:
Daughter wants me to get it because one of her friends have it.

so, being not up to date on this wonderful technology, I have no idea if it is worth my time and trouble to actually buy it and put it on my line.

I did see that there was a monthly fee associated with TIVO, why?

Can I still use the thing without paying the monthly fee?

I have no clue what it is other than it can record shows. I have a VCR still that can do that, so whats the difference?

by the way, since sports are never turned on in our house, I doubt that the instant replay during football games would be of any interest to anyone here.

We've had our TiVo for 1 1/2 years now and love it. Ours was purchased through www.Tivo.com. At the time they had a special going that we took advantage of. For $300.00, we got a receiver/box, remote, and no monthly charges for the life of the unit. If I remember correctly, if anything happens to our unit, we can return it to TiVo for replacement at no cost and continue to not have to pay the monthly charges.

I don't know what we did before we had it. It's great to fastforward through the commericals, and the challenges on Survivor that seem to take forever. We also have a Season Pass set up for our favorite shows to make sure we don't miss them.

We're so used to it now that when we watch TV in our bedroom at night, I'll reach for the remote to rewind and hear something that was missed and curse that we don't have TiVo in there too.

Worth the cost as far as we're concerned! :yay:


New Member
I don't have the actual name-brand "Tivo", but I have Directv's version - DVR. It's pretty much the same thing. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. It is by far the best technology the hit tv-watching since the color tv tube. I record all the shows I want to watch and then watch them later, fast-forwarding through the commercials. You can set it to record a whole series, like said above, but you also have the option of keeping all episodes, not just 5. You will be surprised how often you use the instant replay feature just while watching normal shows, or even commercials, to back up and watch something again or to show someone else who is not in the room at the time, etc. I think mine holds about 40 hours of programming, and when I have movies on there that I want to keep, I just record them off to my VCR. I do the same thing with TV show seasons. I recorded all the episodes of the last "Curb Your Enthusiasm" season and dumped them off onto a tape. It is super-convenient. I ordered mine right from Directv and they brought it out to replace my normal satellite box and set it all up. I was paying $5 a month for the normal box, and I still pay the same $5 a month for the DVR box. Plus $5 for the service. GET IT - YOU WILL NEVER REGRET IT AND WILL WONDER HOW YOU EVER WATCHED TV WITHOUT IT. It is freakin' awesome.


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beerlover said:
You will be surprised how often you use the instant replay feature just while watching normal shows, or even commercials, to back up and watch something again.

Like that commercial where Jessica Simpson's azz gets smacked. Time the button just right, and you can do it continually.


I wanna be a SMIB
wunsent said:
We've had our TiVo for 1 1/2 years now and love it. Ours was purchased through www.Tivo.com. At the time they had a special going that we took advantage of. For $300.00, we got a receiver/box, remote, and no monthly charges for the life of the unit. If I remember correctly, if anything happens to our unit, we can return it to TiVo for replacement at no cost and continue to not have to pay the monthly charges.

I don't know what we did before we had it. It's great to fastforward through the commericals, and the challenges on Survivor that seem to take forever. We also have a Season Pass set up for our favorite shows to make sure we don't miss them.

We're so used to it now that when we watch TV in our bedroom at night, I'll reach for the remote to rewind and hear something that was missed and curse that we don't have TiVo in there too.

Worth the cost as far as we're concerned! :yay:

OMG, I do the same thing laying in bed at night watching tv, that room doesnt have tivo. I swear soon Im adding my kitchen and bedroom to tivo.


New Member
We have the Comcast box with the built-in DVR which I think is an extra ten bucks a month. Only had it for a month or so but I'm already finding it indispensible. I set it to record any episode of "Scrubs" it can find and every day I have two or three to watch - makes catching up with a series easy. Eventually I'll get to the point where I'll only set it to record new episodes and save some space.

The only thing I like about Tivo... or so I've heard about Tivo ... that the Comcast DVR won't do is try to figure out what you like to watch and start recording stuff you didn't tell it to but it thinks you'd like. But right now I'm recording an hour or so of stuff a day so it's not like I need more to sift through at this stage of the game.

You can also set it to record like a VCR, giving it a channel, start time and stop time. This is good for sports events that might run long.


SamSpade: Do you pay an additional $5 for each Tivo/DVR receiver?

Or is it just $5 a month for unlimited Tivo/DVR receivers?


New Member
TiVo (or any similar DVR product, though TiVo is the best) is one of the greatest things to ever happen to television. I'd compare it to what the microwave did for popcorn. :yay:


In My Opinion
Kerad said:
TiVo (or any similar DVR product, though TiVo is the best) is one of the greatest things to ever happen to television. I'd compare it to what the microwave did for popcorn. :yay:

anything to reduce the need for large caliber pans in the house is a very good thing.

I guess I need to break down and get a TIVO for at least the family room.


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vanbells said:
SamSpade: Do you pay an additional $5 for each Tivo/DVR receiver?

Or is it just $5 a month for unlimited Tivo/DVR receivers?

I guess I didn't realize that what I *have* is DirecTV DVR. But it does all the same things, has a nearly identical control and the screens look the same.

We have to BUY the box for each place we use it - we have one in the bedroom, one in the family room and one in the TV room (because we haven't figured out a better name than TV room). One was for Bluejay's birthday, one was for MINE, and one was for - well I guess the dogs' birthday.

In each case, it REPLACES the box we were using for the TV and it costs 5 dollars per box. I guess we're paying for the service at that point, because we own the box itself. But it's the same price per box.

We did have to have a new multiplexer installed to give us more lines from the satellite, but I still haven't figured out if we pay more for the lines or not. My guess, is, we don't.


beerlover said:
I ordered mine right from Directv and they brought it out to replace my normal satellite box and set it all up. I was paying $5 a month for the normal box, and I still pay the same $5 a month for the DVR box. Plus $5 for the service.

Did DTV charge you for the box and set up? If so how much was it?


In My Opinion
It would be much easier and cheaper to just go back to the static filled picture fed by the rabbit ears on top of the set.

come to think of it, I really dont remember the picture being so bad back then, but then if you compare it to todays quality of the HDTV with the dedicated feed, you might notice a slight difference.


SamSpade said:
We did have to have a new multiplexer installed to give us more lines from the satellite, but I still haven't figured out if we pay more for the lines or not. My guess, is, we don't.

You don't pay for the lines. The cost includes any packages, receivers and services. You would only have to pay for the line if they had to run a new line from the multiswitch to the receiver.