To all horse riders! Watch out for ticks!


Get some!
I was reading up on Lyme Disease the other day (other infections that can come from a tick bite), and it said that sometimes the bullseye doesn't always show up. Alot of times it can be flu like symptoms, and often over looked. They also say that Lyme Disease can be diagnosed as Lupus which affects the joints and internal organs. They say if you pull one or multiple off you put them in seperate jars with a cotton ball that has alcohol on it. Some cases the doctor can send it off to be tested.

Hope your loved one is feeling better?
Lymes disease can also cause Encephalitis. Dangerous swelling in the brain. Unfortunately people die every year because of Lymes or they suffer life long pain and suffering in their joints. I see a lot of the deer ticks around here, which are the most common carriers but all ticks they found can carry the diesease.


New Member
Same here Devine. Getting multiple tick bites every day was normal. Are we immune to their diseases?

I think only certain types of ticks carry diseases...right? Those tiny deer ticks? And not all of those carry disease, so I guess just try not to get bit by the wrong one. I'm with you guys, I've had a zillion tick bites and no crazy illnesses.