If I was blinded by "sob stories", it might have been due to the similarities of our sons with developmental disabilities. Having something in common with another person and giving the benefit of the doubt to in order to be nice to another person doesn't make me stupid, gullible or, frankly, even a fool or bad person for being that way. If she IS this psycho MPD - that's HER karma - not mine. I got to know her a little and truthfully, she was a very nice person who had a good heart. I always thought she'd had a rough time in life. Why the online persona has to be so different is beyond me.
Her penchant for drama and "shaking her tail feathers" for the mens* on the forums was always out of my league. I'm the type of woman who picks herself up and dusts herself off and gets on with what needs to be done. I've never been the dumb blonde/damsel in distress type - I'm the get 'er done your own dang self kind of gal.
Her behavior with the mens on this forum speaks for itself. BUT, there was more than 1 or 2 guys around here who were constantly "falling all over themselves" to post their "flirty flirty sex talk" with her, to use Vrai's terminology.

They're the ones who were blinded by the sob stories.