To continue a boycott or not?


In My Opinion
willie said:
The new swimming pool has all sorts of accessories, maybe there is a fountain there.

Im sure that as the little tykes float around on their backs, they create mini fountains in the pool all the time.


bcp said:
Im sure that as the little tykes float around on their backs, they create mini fountains in the pool all the time.

Willie neglected to tell everyone that Cove Point Park has an entry fee.... so unless you are willing to pay a fee you will not be able to see these little human fountains....

But... if we make Gott and the County make good on their sales pitch to build a park, moms will have other moms to talk with, there will be a place for play groups, and I am sure the little tykes will be just as creative.... :coffee:
GO Get 'EM

residentofcre said:
That park is over at Cove Point... Yes it's close, but that does not alter the fact that we were promissed a park in both of those shopping centers at Rousby Hall and HG Truman. Neither a private party nor a government entity should be allowed to call a meeting at a public school, to present one idea and build something totally different.

Gott and Jacklitch made some sort of deal. That was agreed testimony in the ethics report. It doesn't matter to me if money or favors changed hands. At this point the result is obvious. Look at the Master Plan drawings and compair it to what is built on the ground. We the people that will support or boycott this shopping center got rooked, robbed, overlooked, and under-estimated.

Jacklitch is now pushing this Reality Check Plus planning all over the place. If we let him get away with the bait & switch he pulled in Lusby, I believe he would be building a city all over Southern Maryland!

I say Gott should be required to give up the park now. The deed was supposed to be transferred in 2005. He should also give up part of the 2nd phase building permits. Let him go after Jacklitch for the money he will loose.... Jacklich's has it... There should be consequences for this action.
As a candidate who understands this issue you have got to continue to push for a complete and transparent investigation. The people in your area deserve to know exactly what happened to change the master plan and how it happened. It certainly appears that the will of the people was subverted.
GO Get 'EM!!


luthersomd said:
As a candidate who understands this issue you have got to continue to push for a complete and transparent investigation. The people in your area deserve to know exactly what happened to change the master plan and how it happened. It certainly appears that the will of the people was subverted.
GO Get 'EM!!

So if you see me out there in the heat... will you go the extra two blocks to CJ's and get me a bottle of water?


Well-Known Member
residentofcre said:

Willie neglected to tell everyone that Cove Point Park has an entry fee.... so unless you are willing to pay a fee you will not be able to see these little human fountains....

But... if we make Gott and the County make good on their sales pitch to build a park, moms will have other moms to talk with, there will be a place for play groups, and I am sure the little tykes will be just as creative.... :coffee:
Is there a problem with an entry fee?


Well-Known Member
luthersomd said:
As a candidate who understands this issue you have got to continue to push for a complete and transparent investigation. The people in your area deserve to know exactly what happened to change the master plan and how it happened. It certainly appears that the will of the people was subverted.
GO Get 'EM!!
The Ethics Committee did an investigation and found several unethical participants. Jaklitch says he is going to sue for defamation of character. If you don't have character, how can it be defamed? I don't know who will act on the Commissions findings because the only participant that isn't guilty is the Food Lion and they are getting boycotted.


willie said:
Is there a problem with an entry fee?

We paid to build that place.... why should we have to pay again? I could see a small maintenance fee... or an enclosure fee.... but I don't think it's fair....

And moms with small babies shouldn't have to pay a fee to go to the park...


willie said:
The Ethics Committee did an investigation and found several unethical participants. Jaklitch says he is going to sue for defamation of character. If you don't have character, how can it be defamed? I don't know who will act on the Commissions findings because the only participant that isn't guilty is the Food Lion and they are getting boycotted.

Don't you think that the Food Lion could have turned things around if they were watching?

Oh... and don't let them tell you that they didn't know we were unhappy... because I called them myself and told them they had a problem.... that's how the back of the building got painted.

Food Lion decided not to stay involved....


Well-Known Member
residentofcre said:
We paid to build that place.... why should we have to pay again? I could see a small maintenance fee... or an enclosure fee.... but I don't think it's fair....

And moms with small babies shouldn't have to pay a fee to go to the park...

After what happened to Lake Lariat, I'm surprised you would take that stand. Don't even try to pass off the fecal coliform problem on septic systems. My family and myself saw first hand the non-dues paying scum and their friends from Little Cove Point Rd. defecating in the lake like it was a big contest. Those gangs were a big reason for CRE being a crime Hot Spot. How long was that lake closed until they cleaned out their crap? Now that only dues paying residents can use the lake, what shape is it in? Damn good shape!

Socialist seem to have this fantasy that everyone is so sweet and wonderful, no one is poor because of their own doing and the usual 'share the wealth' mantra. That entry fee is going to save the pool from abuse. Period.


willie said:
After what happened to Lake Lariat, I'm surprised you would take that stand. Don't even try to pass off the fecal coliform problem on septic systems. My family and myself saw first hand the non-dues paying scum and their friends from Little Cove Point Rd. defecating in the lake like it was a big contest. Those gangs were a big reason for CRE being a crime Hot Spot. How long was that lake closed until they cleaned out their crap? Now that only dues paying residents can use the lake, what shape is it in? Damn good shape!

Socialist seem to have this fantasy that everyone is so sweet and wonderful, no one is poor because of their own doing and the usual 'share the wealth' mantra. That entry fee is going to save the pool from abuse. Period.

Ouch... don't smack me... :smack:

I said I was willing to pay a small fee... a maintenance fee... and I agree that the public pool should have a fee to assure that it isn't overrun....

My point here is .... we were promissed a park.... a park where there are trees and benches and a place to walk.... I want the park we were promissed...

What's the hole John Gott is digging over there... I heard he's recycling soil or something.... :coffee:


Well-Known Member
residentofcre said:
Ouch... don't smack me... :smack:

What's the hole John Gott is digging over there... I heard he's recycling soil or something.... :coffee:
Didn't someone say it was for storm water runoff? So far it doesn't look like that.

Is the park you talk of going to be equiped with benches, swings, etc? Is it just going to be green space?


New Member
residentofcre said:

Willie neglected to tell everyone that Cove Point Park has an entry fee.... so unless you are willing to pay a fee you will not be able to see these little human fountains....

But... if we make Gott and the County make good on their sales pitch to build a park, moms will have other moms to talk with, there will be a place for play groups, and I am sure the little tykes will be just as creative.... :coffee:

Personally Tice,
Green space I am fine with. A park in the shopping center I am not. But whatever happens, happens.
My reason is that I have a little one. When I go to the store I so not want to hear " Mommy I wan to go to the park." when all I wan to do is get milk or whatever. You know you will then end up hearing it through out the whole store.. I think it will be more of a headache. But having a benches and green grass with some tree would be a nice look.. I have mixed feelings..


cdsulhoff said:
Personally Tice,
Green space I am fine with. A park in the shopping center I am not. But whatever happens, happens.
My reason is that I have a little one. When I go to the store I so not want to hear " Mommy I wan to go to the park." when all I wan to do is get milk or whatever. You know you will then end up hearing it through out the whole store.. I think it will be more of a headache. But having a benches and green grass with some tree would be a nice look.. I have mixed feelings..

This green space is supposed to be a place to take a walk or sit on benches or ride bikes... it's not a park like the water park or the BG&E park down by the power plant...

They sold us a park... a green space. If we let them pave it... all we'll have is asphalt and heat... If we don't make them do it right we'll get a mudhole or a runoff pond and a mudhole....