To Mechanicsville, Charlotte Hall people


All Up In Your Grill
Weatherdude said:
I would never come on SOMD forums and as a question if someone could give me a ride, thats just plain stupid. :lalala:

And I would never offer you a ride. :drama:

Some of us know each other from the other side of the avatars, or know people who know the person on the other side of the avatar. :rolleyes:


Weatherdude said:
I would never come on SOMD forums and as a question if someone could give me a ride, thats just plain stupid. :lalala:

A troll. Now I get it.

And my interest in what you have to say, which wasn't much to begin with, is going...




Well-Known Member
nachomama said:
And I would never offer you a ride. :drama:

Some of us know each other from the other side of the avatars, or know people who know the person on the other side of the avatar. :rolleyes:

so nacho that is not you on your avatar :shrug:



Active Member
I was gonna suggest the STS buses, but I'm not sure of their route. I would think you could get from Mech to California on them. But you'd still have a problem of getting from your house to the bus pickup.


I live on Baptist Church Road and work in California but I'm not brave enough to pick up a stranger.


New Member
Toxick said:
North: Mechanicsville Road
South: St. Inigoes.

However, if I could get as far as California, I can find a ride from there the rest of the way.

I can adjust my hours to accomodate various schedules.
If you can get to Leonardtown, I can take you to SI.


Weatherdude said:
I would never come on SOMD forums and as a question if someone could give me a ride, thats just plain stupid. :lalala:

Then feel free to leave if you are not going to "as a question..."!


Well-Known Member
Weatherdude said:
I would never come on SOMD forums and as a question if someone could give me a ride, thats just plain stupid. :lalala:

Then, in the words of Ferris Bueller: "You're still here? Go home."


My 401K is now a 201K
Toxick said:
Who the #### is this guy?

I am not planning on renting a car, and I'm not going to take a cab. I'm asking the group for a favor to save a few bucks.

What difference does my age make?

Sounds vaguely familiar....could it be :gossip: ??? you know, the guy we haven't heard from in awhile?