To my Wife, my Baby, My Love and Most Best Friend!!!


New Member
On July 12th of last year, I met the most wonderful woman in the world. From the first moment I met her I knew it was LOVE at first site. I know some may think that such a thing doesn't exist. I am here to tell that it actually does. I would never have met her if it wasn't for a Car Accident I was in a little over a year prior. She just happened to start working at the doctor's office I was going to. Since the day we have met, we have barely spent a nite apart (except for a few days of business where I had to go out of town). I never thought that a could ever fall in love or even get married again since I am once divorced and once engaged. Both which ended not so good.

Within 6 months of us meeting, I proposed to her. And on the 12th of January this year we got married. Neither of us have ever been as happy as we are now. On the 12th of this month we will celebrate 5 wonderful months of being married. I know that it is only 5 months..but they have been the absolute best. Next Month we will celebrate our 1st year together since we met and as a couple. I could never ask for anything more...but I got it anyways. When I married her, I also took her beautiful 10 year old daughter as my daughter. She is also a blessing. Every day the 3 of us have so much fun together. We all have so much love for one another it makes others jealolus. My wife oftens has issues with her co-workers because they are not in as good a relationship as ours. We don't try to flaunt it or's just how we are. I will often send her text messages on her phone to tell her how much I love her, or have flowers/roses delivered to her at work for no reason other than I love her.

When we met, I wasn't make alot of money and I explained to her that I had previously been married and 2 other children. She didn't care. She fell in love with ME and ME alone. Over the last 11 months, I have changed jobs for the better and we are both progressing with our careers.

Each day I thank God for bringing her into my life. I am so thankful to wake up next to her each morning and have her fall asleep on my chest each nite. I am thankful that she understands me and is patient with me. Because of my accident, I have several rods, pins and a plate in my pelvis. This often causes me a great deal of pain on occasion. She understands this and is sympathetic.

Christi, you are my Love, my Baby, my Wife and my Best Friend and you will always be. There isn't a day that goes by that I am NOT thankful for you. Every day I love you more than the day before even though it doesn't seem possible. Every day we are together I feel closer to you. I know at times I can be irritable when I am in pain but yet you still make me happy. I would be lost without you I am sure and I know I would not be where I am at today if it weren't for you.

Now my son is thinking of moving in with us. Christi has opened her heart and arms to him along with her daughter. He knows he is welcome by all if he decides.

I just hope that I make you as happy as you make me. I know this year has been hard for all of us. I know it was made easier by our love. I know the future will be tough for us at times but I also know that as long as I have you by my side we will make it through anything.

Thankyou for being my everything.
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Material Girl
PREMO Member
BillnChristi said:
Because of my accident, I have several rods, pins and a plate in my pelvis. This often causes me a great deal of pain on occasion. She understands this and is sympathetic.

Translation - someone's not getting any. :whistle:


Well-Known Member
Mrs. Jones said:
Translation - someone's not getting any. :whistle:

:lmao: You people are awful(ly funny)!

Congratulations, let's hope you post stuff like this after 5 years.


Active Member
cattitude said:
Makes my nice "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" tread look pretty sad..:frown:

:huggy: Actually, I was gonna :bonk: ya for starting the romanticism, when I read the initial post!


24/7 Single Dad
BillnChristi said:
Since the day we have met, we have barely spent a nite apart (except for a few days of business where I had to go out of town). I never thought that a could ever fall in love or even get married again since I am once divorced and once engaged. Both which ended not so good.
You should get her something nice


New Member
DawnK said:
:whip: LOL

I'd like to see this thread again in oh say 5 years... LOLOLOLOL!!!

I have loved everyone's comments..and yes I hope I can still say these things after 5 years but I am positive that I will be able too.

Thanks again for everyones post...we are already happy...and now we are laughing..can't ask for anything better in life.


New Member
K_Jo said:
My favorite line:


geesh..I guess everyone is perfect and can't have a typo every now and then. you know what's :killingme me is the fact that people have such pathetic lives that they have nothing better to do than ridicule others.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm from this;

BillnChristi said:
I have loved everyone's comments..and yes I hope I can still say these things after 5 years but I am positive that I will be able too.

Thanks again for everyones post...we are already happy...and now we are laughing..can't ask for anything better in life..

To this, within a matter of a few hours :roflmao:

BillnChristi said:
geesh..I guess everyone is perfect and can't have a typo every now and then. you know what's :killingme me is the fact that people have such pathetic lives that they have nothing better to do than ridicule others.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Dear Desertrat:

We've been married for 25 years. I love you unconditionally. I took your Mom to Michael's, Target and the Dollar Store on Thursday. You owe me. I also raised your two children from a previous marriage. I think it's time to step up to the plate and buy me a Harley.

Love, BS Gal