The Wizard!
This questionnaire was sent email to me by the Maryland Right to Life (MDRTL) org.
Under what circumstances, if any, do you believe that
abortion should be legal?
_______ Only to prevent the death of the mother
(the MDRTL position).
_______ To prevent the mother’s death, in cases of
incest, and in reported cases of forcible rape.
Other: (please explain) ______________________
NOTE: In every question, a "yes" response indicates
agreement with the position of Maryland Right to Life.
(1) Do you support the complete and immediate
reversal of the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton
decisions, thereby allowing the state legislatures
and the Congress once again to protect unborn
YES _______ NO _________
(2) Would you support a bill that would require
parental involvement prior to a minor obtaining
an abortion?
YES _______ NO _________
(3) Would you support legislation to require that
any mother considering an abortion first must
be provided with clear and accurate information
about the capacity of an unborn child to feel
pain, and about possible alternatives to lessen or
avoid that pain?
YES _______ NO _________
Maryland has an imperfect unborn victim’s of
violence law which unfortunately only provides
partial recognition since it only recognizes the
“viable” unborn child.
(4) Would you support any attempt to
strengthen this law so that the unborn child
would be recognized as a second victimregardless of his or her gestational age?
YES _______ NO _________
(5) Would you vote to prevent the use of tax funds
for abortion other than to prevent the death of the
YES _______ NO _________
(6) If it was not possible to pass the law described
in #5, would you vote to prevent the use of tax
funds for abortion other than to prevent the death
of the mother, when the pregnancy is the result of
forcible rape (reported to law enforcement
agencies within 7 days), or when the pregnancy of
a minor is the result of incest (when the perpetrator is reported to a law enforcement agency)?
YES _______ NO _________
The development of her unborn child before making this
permanent and life-affecting decision.
(7) Would you support a law requiring women be
given the information described above, at least 24
hours prior to an abortion being performed?
YES _______ NO _________
What is your position on stem cell research.
_______ Only adult stem cell research (including
umbilical cord blood) should be permitted
_______ All types of stem cell research, including
embryonic research, should be permitted.
Other: (please explain)_______________________
(8) Will you vote for measures to protect living
human embryos from being used for medical
experiments that would harm or kill them,
including so-called “embryonic stem cell research”
that would require the killing of human embryos,
regardless of the method used to create these
human embryos?
YES _______ NO _________
In Congress, the Brownback-Landrieu and Weldon-Stupak bills
(S. 658 and H.R. 1357) would prohibit the use of
somatic cell nuclear transfer (cloning) to create any
humans, including human embryos.
(9) Would you support a similar legal prohibition
on all human cloning on a state level, including the
creation of human embryos by cloning?
YES _______ NO _________
(10) Would you oppose state legislation that would
permit the creation of human embryos by cloning
but in effect require the death of each such embryo
(that is, legislation to “ban reproductive cloning”
but to simultaneously permit so called
“therapeutic cloning”)?
YES _______ NO _________
(11) Would you support legislation that would
prevent “fetus farming” in humans, by prohibiting
establishing a human pregnancy for any purpose
other than intending a live birth.
YES _______ NO _________
(12) If the patient, while competent, had requested
food and fluids, should they be administered?
_______ YES, health care providers should continue
to provide food and fluids (MDRTL position).
_______ NO, health care providers should be allowed
to decide whether to continue food and fluids.
_______ Other (please explain): ______________
(13) If a patient, while competent, had not made
his or her wishes known, should food and fluids be
_______ YES, health care providers should continue
to provide food and fluids (MDRTL position).
_______ NO, health care providers should be allowed
to decide whether to continue food and fluids.
_______ Other (please explain): ______________
(14 ) State law currently protects against the
involuntary denial of lifesaving medical treatment
by providing that if failure to comply with a
patient’s or surrogate’s choice for lifesaving
treatment would in reasonable medical judgment
be likely to result in the patient’s death, a health
care provider unwilling to respect the choice for
lifesaving treatment must allow the patient to be
transferred to a willing provider and must provide
treatment pending transfer. Will you vote against
repealing or weakening this law?
YES _______ NO _________
(15) In 1991, Oregon approved a health care (16) Would you support a law to prevent
rationing plan for its Medicaid program. An “assisting suicide” by allowing relatives or
important factor in denial of treatment is the others affected by an attempted or completed
expected degree of disability or poor “quality of suicide, as well as public officials, to sue the
life” it is claimed a patient would be likely to have person who "assists" for money damages and
after treatment. This is a form of involuntary to obtain an injunction against future attemptseuthanasia. Would you vote to oppose any by that person to assist suicides?
legislation in this state that, like the Oregon plan,
would impose rationing that intentionally denies YES _______ NO _________
treatment on the basis of disability or "quality of
Oregon has adopted a law affirmatively legalizing
life" of those denied treatment?
prescription of lethal drugs to assist suicide in certain
YES _______ NO _________ cases.
(17) Would you oppose the legalization of assisting
suicide through lethal prescription as under the
Oregon law?
YES _______ NO _________