To the driver of the blue car, huge rims "4x4"


Yeah, okay.
HMMMM Well i see you have nothing better to do with your time but to talk about my vic huh?? You would rather waste your time on the internet to talk about me. For one thing you dont even know me, the other you sound just like one of those people you call Haters who just talk about people and their belongings because they either can afford it or they just are too jealous they dont have what they are hating on. How about since you wanna talk about me come up here to the clinic and speak your mind and stop posting blogs on the net. You already know where i work so i'll be waiting for you. So unless you have what it takes to come up here then don't say anything at all. Have a nice day!!!:smack:

:howdy: I saw you pulled over by the cop in Charlottle Hall a couple of weeks ago. :whistle:


New Member
Well now, slow down...
lift kits at least have a purpose if you go mudding or trail ride :yay:

99% of the people that do that have never been off-roading.

Driving through the woods isn't off roading.

I'm talking about Nevada desert sand dune off roading.

Now that's a blast!


99% of the people that do that have never been off-roading.

Driving through the woods isn't off roading.

I'm talking about Nevada desert sand dune off roading.

Now that's a blast!


You should go in a swamp......


Well-Known Member
HMMMM Well i see you have nothing better to do with your time but to talk about my vic huh?? You would rather waste your time on the internet to talk about me. For one thing you dont even know me, the other you sound just like one of those people you call Haters who just talk about people and their belongings because they either can afford it or they just are too jealous they dont have what they are hating on. How about since you wanna talk about me come up here to the clinic and speak your mind and stop posting blogs on the net. You already know where i work so i'll be waiting for you. So unless you have what it takes to come up here then don't say anything at all. Have a nice day!!!:smack:

Aweee, Looks like somebody go their feelings hurt! Too bad idiot. You make ridiculous mods to your car making it stick out like a sore thumb and then you get upset because someone makes fun of you? Welcome to the real world jackass; walk around dressed like a clown and you'll get laughed at too. Don't like it? Then don't do things to bring attention to yourself.

It's your money and your time so spend it as you see fit. In America you have that right. Just be prepared for criticism if you do something that makes you stick out like a sore thumb. Like your car does. It's hard to miss and if you don't want attention (good and bad) brought to yourself then don't drive it.
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HMMM well it must of not been bad considering the fact my car still up in the air. Man you sound like a stalker via paparazzi. HAHAHA Nothing better to do, LOSER:yahoo:

I think you've got it right! You have to live this life and create you own happiness. Living to please other people will slowly kill you from the inside out. :huggy:


New Member
Aweee, Looks like somebody go their feelings hurt! Too bad idiot. You make ridiculous mods to your car making it stick out like a sore thumb and then you get upset because someone makes fun of you? Welcome to the real world jackass; walk around dressed like a clown and you'll get laughed at too. Don't like it? Then don't do things to bring attention to yourself.

It's your money and your time so spend it as you see fit. In America you have that right. Just be prepared for criticism if you do something that makes you stick out like a sore thumb. Like your car does. It's hard to miss and if you don't want attention (good and bad) brought to yourself then don't drive it.
HAHAHA you sound like you don't have a life. What you need to stop doing is worrying about other peoples affairs and consentrate on your own. You are what we call a swagger jacker. You stay online writing these humerous comments to people but dont have what it takes to tell them what you think upfront. you would rather hide behind a computer SCARRRY, i thought Halloween was over. I guess your just getting ready for this year huh.:killingme


Well-Known Member
There IS an upside to owning a car like this one: You'd never have to worry about forgetting where you parked it, after a night imbibing at CIP..........

Sorry to differ with you, but they could still forget where they parked, but it would make it easier for the cops to help locate it for them.


New Member
Owner of crown vic

And you have nothing better to do than come on the boards and with your 1st post dig up a thread about your car and start bashing the ####tard that started the thread.:confused: pot meet kettle

THEN you are going to call him out on the internet?

You did the things to your car that YOU wanted to do with YOUR money, you did those things to reflect your taste and your personality. Right? You knew that when you were done that there would be people who would have opinions on what you did with YOUR vehicle. Why the fluck do you care what other (especially nameless, faceless) people on the local message board say about your car?

To each his own, ride on.:cheers:
LOL i'm just being stupid like him on here. I didnt even know anything about this site until some guy at Autozone told me about these idiots who have nothing better to do but hide behind a screen and call people jerks and idiots and other dumb comments. I look at it as humerous, at least have the balls to comment me infront of me, not on a screen. People do it all the time. And i respect that. Don't say something you wouldnt say to me at the store or in a parking lot. People like that gain no respect. Why do you think the media is what it is today. Some people dont'd like the military and say hateful things about the soldiers that serve but would not tell them in person. I'm just saying if you want to call names and childish stuff like that then you need to grow up. Now am i wrong for saying what i said, no i don't think so.:jerry:


Well-Known Member

sand vs. gumbo mud.....yeah right.
I can't even see how a lift kit makes much sense in the desert scenario...but I've also never been on any sand besides assateague island :lol: I think upgraded engine cooling would be priority 1 for sand, though, and not a lift kit :lmao:

I didnt even know anything about this site until some guy at Autozone told me about these idiots who have nothing better to do but hide behind a screen and call people jerks and idiots and other dumb comments.

He didn't feel you up...did he? :eyebrow:


New Member
I am curious how you came up with the idea - to modify that Crown Vic - in that fashion.

Were you just standing there, next to it one day, and the idea/scheme came to you like a bolt from the blue? (pun intended :lol:)
Weeellll.... not exactly. I was at a carshow convention and i seen a lot of automobiles like the ones i've seen at the DUB show in Atlantic City. Soooo I decided to modify the crown vic the same way. I put the vic in carshows sometimes and im always doing different things to that car. So nah thats not how it started.:coffee:


New Member
:lmao: This whole thread cracks me up. You still driving the crown vic? I haven't seen it lately. I thought you might have moved on to a new project.
Yeah i still drive it, but im about to deploy overseas to Iraq so its going to be up in the garage back home.