To the Lady who left her BABIES in the Black Expedition


New Member
So Friday 2/23 at about 11:30am I am in Waldorf in the shopping center where Golds Gym is, heading into the $1 store. I see this Black Expedition sitting in fron of the $1 store and the Melwood Thrift Store, I glance over and see a little boy approximately 4 or 5 and a Pink Infant Carseat in a rear facing position and the truck is running, I glance a little closer and see there is NO ADULT in the vehicle. I continue into the store and as I am putting my 22mth old in the cart, another lady comes in and says did anyone see those babies in the started car ALONE, I state I thought it was only me. I continue my shopping and emerge about 10 minutes later STILL to see this truck sitting there with the BABIES in it and running. I get into my truck and watch for about another 5 minutes to see if anyone comes out, STILL NOONE. I call the Charles County Sheriffs Office at 11:45am to report these Unattended Children in this running vehicle, they ask the make/model/color & license plate and I provide all the information, they inform me they will send someone out. I wait an ADDITIONAL 15 minutes and still NO SHERRIFF, NO ADULT, at about 12:05pm, a lady emerges from the Melwood Thrift Store and enters the driver seat of the vehicle and sits there for a minute and then EXITS THE VEHICLE AGAIN to go intot he $1 store. I call the Sheriffs office BACK for the 2nd time and inform them about this and they state the call is on the screen and they are BUSY in Waldorf and as soon as someone is available they will attend to the matter. AGAIN, I sit there and watch the vehicle for ANOTHER 10 minutes, the "SO CALLED" mother/guardian.babysitter whatever she was FINALLY comes out of the $1 store, gets into the truck and LEAVES.

SO needless to say these BABIES sat in this running vehicle for OVER 30 minutes without any adult supervision and NO CHARLES COUNTY SHERIFF EVER showed up.

and people WONDER why things are the way they are in this area and WHY some peoples kids are kidnapped.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
jayden0405 said:
So Friday 2/23 at about 11:30am I am in Waldorf in the shopping center where Golds Gym is, heading into the $1 store. I see this Black Expedition sitting in fron of the $1 store and the Melwood Thrift Store, I glance over and see a little boy approximately 4 or 5 and a Pink Infant Carseat in a rear facing position and the truck is running, I glance a little closer and see there is NO ADULT in the vehicle. I continue into the store and as I am putting my 22mth old in the cart, another lady comes in and says did anyone see those babies in the started car ALONE, I state I thought it was only me. I continue my shopping and emerge about 10 minutes later STILL to see this truck sitting there with the BABIES in it and running. I get into my truck and watch for about another 5 minutes to see if anyone comes out, STILL NOONE. I call the Charles County Sheriffs Office at 11:45am to report these Unattended Children in this running vehicle, they ask the make/model/color & license plate and I provide all the information, they inform me they will send someone out. I wait an ADDITIONAL 15 minutes and still NO SHERRIFF, NO ADULT, at about 12:05pm, a lady emerges from the Melwood Thrift Store and enters the driver seat of the vehicle and sits there for a minute and then EXITS THE VEHICLE AGAIN to go intot he $1 store. I call the Sheriffs office BACK for the 2nd time and inform them about this and they state the call is on the screen and they are BUSY in Waldorf and as soon as someone is available they will attend to the matter. AGAIN, I sit there and watch the vehicle for ANOTHER 10 minutes, the "SO CALLED" mother/guardian.babysitter whatever she was FINALLY comes out of the $1 store, gets into the truck and LEAVES.

SO needless to say these BABIES sat in this running vehicle for OVER 30 minutes without any adult supervision and NO CHARLES COUNTY SHERIFF EVER showed up.

and people WONDER why things are the way they are in this area and WHY some peoples kids are kidnapped.
A 4 or 5 year old is to old for a rear facing seat. He must have been pretty cramped.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Be prepared to print this thread out (w/license plate no. on it) if she does it again.

Wonder what she'd say in the call to 911 about 1st? :confused:

The Expedition?

or that her children have been napped....


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
virgovictoria said:
Be prepared to print this thread out (w/license plate no. on it) if she does it again.

Wonder what she'd say in the call to 911 about 1st? :confused:

The Expedition?

or that her children have been napped....
All hypothetical, of course. Just stopped and made me wonder.


wandering aimlessly
When my kids were 4 or 5 they were savvy enough to try to drive. This is why my keys were always hidden.


Has confinement issues..
OH that's nice:rolleyes:

A month ago I saw a woman in an office with several kids, newborn to 5, and all of mixed decent.... I left and went to the store and when I walked out, I saw her walking in to the store, leaving all of the kids in her car.

I tried to mind my own but when I left the parking lot I was so mad I turned around to go back and get her tag number and call the police. I missed her by a second, but here's the kicker...

The large stickers on her car that read:

" Become a FOSTER PARENT 1-800-***-****".

Next, time I'll just sit there until she/he comes out.. I've done that before when I've seen someone leave their kids. I'm still mad at myself for not waiting for that *******.:doh:


Did the police eventually show up? if u gave them the tag and car make/model, couldn't they at least visit the lady's home and warn her.


Watch it
It's too bad the police department didn't respond. I reported a couple driving around in Callaway on time with an infant in his lap in the front seat. They pulled into a parking lot and I called St Mary's Police. They were right on it. I was quite impressed! Sometimes people are ignorant when it comes to children. Unfortunately, the children are the ones who end up paying. So sad.


New Member
basher said:
Did the police eventually show up? if u gave them the tag and car make/model, couldn't they at least visit the lady's home and warn her.

NO they NEVER showed up, they "SAID" they would follow up, I provided the tag number, but who knows..................if they did!


jayden0405 said:
SO needless to say these BABIES sat in this running vehicle for OVER 30 minutes without any adult supervision and NO CHARLES COUNTY SHERIFF EVER showed up.


It seems you were supervising them just fine :lmao:


jayden0405 said:
So Friday 2/23 at about 11:30am I am in Waldorf in the shopping center where Golds Gym is, heading into the $1 store. I see this Black Expedition sitting in fron of the $1 store and the Melwood Thrift Store, I glance over and see a little boy approximately 4 or 5 and a Pink Infant Carseat in a rear facing position and the truck is running, I glance a little closer and see there is NO ADULT in the vehicle. I continue into the store and as I am putting my 22mth old in the cart, another lady comes in and says did anyone see those babies in the started car ALONE, I state I thought it was only me. I continue my shopping and emerge about 10 minutes later STILL to see this truck sitting there with the BABIES in it and running. I get into my truck and watch for about another 5 minutes to see if anyone comes out, STILL NOONE. I call the Charles County Sheriffs Office at 11:45am to report these Unattended Children in this running vehicle, they ask the make/model/color & license plate and I provide all the information, they inform me they will send someone out. I wait an ADDITIONAL 15 minutes and still NO SHERRIFF, NO ADULT, at about 12:05pm, a lady emerges from the Melwood Thrift Store and enters the driver seat of the vehicle and sits there for a minute and then EXITS THE VEHICLE AGAIN to go intot he $1 store. I call the Sheriffs office BACK for the 2nd time and inform them about this and they state the call is on the screen and they are BUSY in Waldorf and as soon as someone is available they will attend to the matter. AGAIN, I sit there and watch the vehicle for ANOTHER 10 minutes, the "SO CALLED" mother/guardian.babysitter whatever she was FINALLY comes out of the $1 store, gets into the truck and LEAVES.

SO needless to say these BABIES sat in this running vehicle for OVER 30 minutes without any adult supervision and NO CHARLES COUNTY SHERIFF EVER showed up.

and people WONDER why things are the way they are in this area and WHY some peoples kids are kidnapped. sad the did not respond.
BUT: You can file a charge in person at the Sheriffs office. They have 2 calls as proof and you as an eye-whitness. They will send her a summons to court adn she will have to appear. It is the long way around, and you have to go to, but bet she will not leave 2 kids in a running vehiel.
BTW: A lot of kids have been left in cars with the motor running and accidently engaged the transmission, and off they went, only to be stopped when car hit soemthing. Kids HAVE died that way.
Good for you for taking action! Bad for the Sheriffs for NOT doing the same.