I bowl overhand
OK, two parter here; one, did it ever cross your mind to maybe go around him where he was supposed to be? And is that just a crazy idea to even consider?
My thought is if you've got NO bail on your side of the ride, solid trees, deep ditch, guardrail, etc, a place you just don't wanna go, and you can just 'feel' he doesn't see you, can you, with all your experience, make a reasonable case for an extreme case to go around him the other way?
I mean, he wakes up and suddenly corrects, your dead and it's now your fault but, I am asking if it should ever even be in the back of my mind as an option?
Going left never crossed my mind.
If I were to go left I wouldn't be aiming for his side of the road, but somewhere off the road so if does correct he's still not going to get me. It may have been an option (never even contemplated it at the time) in this case, but going off the road to the right was the most safe, and being that I was leaned over on a left hand sweeper the easiest to thing to do, just had to straighten up and let the bike take me.
Being a dirt rider you should be more successful than most at finding escape routes. Some new and even seasoned riders won't leave the asphalt, it's just ingrained in them that they HAVE to stay on the road. Say it with me.. "Stay between the lines!!"
You see it on the news almost everyday where two cars have collided head on, and you look at the photos and there's nothing but farmer's fields on both sides of the road. They just can't come to grips that off the road my be safer than on the road.