Todays Wildlife



As a wildlife control cooperator, I get all sorts of calls for pest wildlife.
Pick up this wee one this afternoon. Sibling was killed on the road and he was left all alone.
He is with me until tomorrow qhen he gets transfered to a Rabies Vector Rehabber.
Never, never pick up, handle these guys, no matter how cute.
Always proctective gloves IF you really need to touch them.
Rabies will kill you...and even though he "looks" healthy, he can kill you..even at 4 weeks of age at all of 1 pound in weight.

Raccoon babies are one of the few animals that all the intellengence out of a human being due to the "cute" factor.

Here's Wally...


  • Wally.JPG
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Well-Known Member
Wally is a cute little guy. I have one racoon that comes on my porch every night to eat and he is cute and huge, one of the chunkest raccoons I ever saw (I guess i feed him pretty well)!


My 401K is now a 201K
Inkpen Do you work for St. Mary's Animal Control? I came home from a business trip at 0500 Saturday morning and one of my cats is missing. I tried calling Animal Control on Sunday and also today and never got through. (Always a recording that said all were busy and I left 2 messages).


SEABREEZE 1957 said:
Inkpen Do you work for St. Mary's Animal Control? I came home from a business trip at 0500 Saturday morning and one of my cats is missing. I tried calling Animal Control on Sunday and also today and never got through. (Always a recording that said all were busy and I left 2 messages).
sorry...I work with wilfdlife in Calvert....
Did you find your cat?


New Member
Speedy70 said:
I hope Dems doesn't see this! :lmao:

Seriously, they are cute, but definitely not pet material!

If the Dems see Wally, we get another Amnesty program for sure. We all know the last one worked so well.


Supper's Ready
Inkpen said:
As a wildlife control cooperator, I get all sorts of calls for pest wildlife.
Pick up this wee one this afternoon. Sibling was killed on the road and he was left all alone.
He is with me until tomorrow qhen he gets transfered to a Rabies Vector Rehabber.
Never, never pick up, handle these guys, no matter how cute.
Always proctective gloves IF you really need to touch them.
Rabies will kill you...and even though he "looks" healthy, he can kill you..even at 4 weeks of age at all of 1 pound in weight.

Raccoon babies are one of the few animals that all the intellengence out of a human being due to the "cute" factor.
Thanks, Inkpen. Great photo, I've never seen a young one.

See the attached stats for 2006 Maryland "confirmed" rabies to give everyone an idea just how many knowns there were:

They have other years to compare to as well:
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New Member
There was a woman in my father's neighborhood that found a baby and kept it as a pet. The neighbors next door to her found out and called animal control. It was rather sad to hear she lost her raccoon to animal control. At this point in time, she had the critter at least 3 years after I knew, so I am guessing it was 4 or around there.

She had a shed built for the little guy and decorated it to be just like a kennel. After she got turned in, a 12 foot privacy fence went up between the two houses and I don't think she ever spoke to the neighbors again.

So, I know people do it. :lmao:


Supper's Ready
dawn said:
The links are coming up invalid! :tantrum
Sorry dawn, I edited the links in my post. The links should work now, thanks for showing me that. Newbie technical knucklehead factor playing here! :smile:


Pandora said:
There was a woman in my father's neighborhood that found a baby and kept it as a pet. The neighbors next door to her found out and called animal control. It was rather sad to hear she lost her raccoon to animal control. At this point in time, she had the critter at least 3 years after I knew, so I am guessing it was 4 or around there.

She had a shed built for the little guy and decorated it to be just like a kennel. After she got turned in, a 12 foot privacy fence went up between the two houses and I don't think she ever spoke to the neighbors again.

So, I know people do it. :lmao:

Yup..and many more do it and never get in trouble..and others do and get caught and the animal is put down.
That is why there are laws to protect smart animals from stupid people.

I am sorry for the animal, I really am.


New Member
Inkpen said:
Yup..and many more do it and never get in trouble..and others do and get caught and the animal is put down.
That is why there are laws to protect smart animals from stupid people.

I am sorry for the animal, I really am.

I felt very sorry for the animal after hearing he was taken into custody. She found the animal injured when it was a baby and she kept it over the years. I want to say this was about 15 years ago. I am not sure what rescues were around then, if any. I do know her whole heart loved that raccoon.


Thanks for the links!!
I got my Rabies Vector Species training in 2006 and we discussed the numbers of those "tested" to those suspected and not tested.

Anyway you look at it, rabies is a scary disease.
I have had my shots as required in this job and always keep myself safe.
No animal is worth risking my safety and health to.
I always glove up, use common sense and avoid getting bitten or scratched.

Ths litte guy will go into isolation for 10 days. In that time, distemper will appear if he or his mom was infected.
Rabies has a 60 day incubation period, and if he has been exposed, it will emerge at that time frame.
BUt he has no bite wouds, so the risk is very low.
Just the same, I handle him very carefully and wash my hand a lot.
I wear gloves to protect and also wear latex to protect against saliva contact.
He will get vaccinated before he is released.
We do all we can to stay safe adn keep these guys safe tool.

Right now he asleep with a very full belly!!
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Lem Putt
dawn said:
Wally is a cute little guy. I have one racoon that comes on my porch every night to eat and he is cute and huge, one of the chunkest raccoons I ever saw (I guess i feed him pretty well)!

Are you serious? You are feeding a wild animal?


Inkpen where do you keep all these animals in your home when you take them in to rehab them if you have other pets already like cats and dogs?
SEABREEZE 1957 said:
Inkpen Do you work for St. Mary's Animal Control? I came home from a business trip at 0500 Saturday morning and one of my cats is missing. I tried calling Animal Control on Sunday and also today and never got through. (Always a recording that said all were busy and I left 2 messages).

Perhaps he was shot by a local police officer. I hear that happens alot these days...


I have a problem with the coons and possums getting in my trash cans and making a mess. I caught one of the hungry coons and called calvert animal control to come remove it and relocate it. Their response to me was if I had a gun, pop a cap in it, and throw the body in a near by field for the buzzards. I promply carted him up the road a few miles and let him go back into the woods again away from from my trash can.