eh, you know what? YOU know your child - not a bunch of people on the internet. Every child is different - and yes, some aren't good with the nighttime transition/sleeping and just need a bit of a 'boost' (my youngest fits in this category).
We bought her a twin bed when she came out of her crib (around 20 months or so) and she hated it. Nothing I did to that d@mn bed made a bit of difference, she just didn't like it. Stark contrast to my oldest, who would happily sleep on the floor if I told him to.
Anyway, my youngest is BIG into princess stuff - I don't really like getting her too much 'disney' princess stuff as I don't want her to think that they are the ONLY princesses in town, KWIM? But I saw a princess bed (sleeping beauty I guess, it's pink) with a canopy in Babies 'R Us on sale for $50 and bought it on a whim. She had been sleeping in her twin bed for over a year (not happily and not through the night well) but I took the twin bed and put it in the basement guest room and put the princess bed in her room. She LOVED it and it has helped her SO much... she is so excited to go to bed in her princess bed now and rarely gets up at night. So for my youngest, the toddler bed was well worth the $$.
Do what you think will work for your kid - my kids don't run me (far from it) but I still try to do what I can to make them happy.