Toe Fungus?


New Member
As for the original question.....

What worked for me was getting regular pedicures. My nail on my pinkie toe had almost dissapeared. After about 4 pedicures it is back to normal. If your nail is not in too bad of shape I would reccomend you try it. Pedicures can make your feet healthier.


:diva: I have so much fungus growing on my toes that my toe nails just fall right off. In fact two of them fell off last week. I wonder if bathing would help? :ohwell:



Who have toe fungus and what's your cure/solutions to get rid of them?

I think only 2 people answered you seriously.

Tea Tree Oil works the best for toe fungus, even lavender oil (but you must get Lavender Highland) both can be found at the Good Earth on Park Avenue in Leonardtown or any Natural Foods Store near you if L-town is to far.