Toll Booths in DC?


New Member
Fine do it...just make sure you put them on outbound traffic too....but just charge those with DC tags coming into Maryland and Virginia.... :smack:


Lovin' being Texican
zimmie said:
Fine do it...just make sure you put them on outbound traffic too....but just charge those with DC tags coming into Maryland and Virginia.... :smack:

Couldn't we just drive them off the Woodrow Wilson bridge if they're licensed and coming from D.C. into Maryland? It would sure cut our crime rate.


Active Member
migtig said:
:yeahthat: And they need to get to work to build a metro stop in St Mary's.

Hell no! Yall think you have a lot of crime and drugs down there now. If they bring Metro down there it will be 1000% worse. Just ask the folks in Bowie what happened when Metro came to New Carlton.


New Member
toll booth in dc

tony kornheiser said it best yesterday when he mentioned that marion Marry should pay his taxes before starts enacting more taxes for everyone else.


Starting at 3am, they need to bulldoze all of DC's residential homes leaving nothing but the Govt. buildings standing.

DC is supposed to be a federal city, make it just that.