Tom Brady or Joe Montana


Well-Known Member
I could complete most of the passes that Brady completes because he has zero pressure. Stick Brady on a team like the Bills and you think the Bills would be 13-2?

In general, QB's get too much credit and too much blame.
I could complete most of the passes that Brady completes because he has zero pressure. Stick Brady on a team like the Bills and you think the Bills would be 13-2?

In general, QB's get too much credit and too much blame.


It's all about the lines. A good O-line can make an average QB look good. However, Brady is not an average QB.


Well-Known Member

It's all about the lines. A good O-line can make an average QB look good. However, Brady is not an average QB.

He's no better than Matt Cassel who took the Pats to 11-5 right off the bench with no experience then went 4-12 the next year with a crappy team.


Lem Putt
Montana to Rice. Nothing better. He's one of the greatest ever to play the game.

Brady's good, but he's not in the same category as Montana, Elway, Favre, P. Manning, maybe Aikman, and a few others.
Montana to Rice. Nothing better. He's one of the greatest ever to play the game.

Brady's good, but he's not in the same category as Montana, Elway, Favre, P. Manning, maybe Aikman, and a few others.

Montana, P.Manning, Marino, and Brady are good because they are smart. They know where their receivers are on every play.

Elway and Favre just run around until they see someone.


Lem Putt
Montana, P.Manning, Marino, and Brady are good because they are smart. They know where their receivers are on every play.

Elway and Favre just run around until they see someone.

Elway down 6 at the two minute warning with 80 yards to go to score. Nobody better.


They're out to get us
He's no better than Matt Cassel who took the Pats to 11-5 right off the bench with no experience then went 4-12 the next year with a crappy team.
That would have been a pretty valid comment...last season. Obviously you haven't watched this season though.

And you're obviously forgetting that Brady took that 11-5 team to 16-0 and the Super Bowl the year before. Cassel had a weak schedule and they didn't win their division.

You're also forgetting that Montana was followed up by another guy who equaled his success playing with the same team. Hello, Steve Young.

Montana, P.Manning, Marino, and Brady are good because they are smart. They know where their receivers are on every play.

Elway and Favre just run around until they see someone.
And those QBs have great arms. But yeah, agreed. Elway over Favre though.
That would have been a pretty valid comment...last season. Obviously you haven't watched this season though.

And you're obviously forgetting that Brady took that 11-5 team to 16-0 and the Super Bowl the year before. Cassel had a weak schedule and they didn't win their division.

You're also forgetting that Montana was followed up by another guy who equaled his success playing with the same team. Hello, Steve Young.

And those QBs have great arms. But yeah, agreed. Elway over Favre though.

I agree with you, but Montana's arm wasn't all that. He made up for it in smarts.


Well-Known Member
I could complete most of the passes that Brady completes because he has zero pressure. Stick Brady on a team like the Bills and you think the Bills would be 13-2?

In general, QB's get too much credit and too much blame.

Sure you could


Montana to Rice. Nothing better. He's one of the greatest ever to play the game.

Brady's good, but he's not in the same category as Montana, Elway, Favre, P. Manning, maybe Aikman, and a few others.

You. Are right.Brady is in a league above them.....nobody better at winning in the post season.


Brady is one of the best ever. His star receivers are gone and still gets the job done. His ability to lead is untouchable. His showmanship is that of a franchise player. If you look at the receivers he has had, what he has, and the changes he has gone through, you will see why he is as good as some say he is. Brady's team against the 72 Dolphins. I wonder who would win that one?


Football addict
That would have been a pretty valid comment...last season. Obviously you haven't watched this season though.

And you're obviously forgetting that Brady took that 11-5 team to 16-0 and the Super Bowl the year before. Cassel had a weak schedule and they didn't win their division.

You're also forgetting that Montana was followed up by another guy who equaled his success playing with the same team. Hello, Steve Young.

And those QBs have great arms. But yeah, agreed. Elway over Favre though.


Brady didn't take his team to the Super Bowl in 2006 (the year before 16-0, 2007). He didn't win the 16-0 season Super Bowl.

Steve Young didn't even come close to equaling Montana's success. Montana won four Super Bowls, Young one. Attemping more than 15 passes, Young is 8-6 in the post-season whereas Montana is 16-7. No comparison.

Brady enters this season with a 14-4 (behind Montana) playoff record and three rings. He has the 'chance' to be compared to Montana but not yet.
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They're out to get us
Brady is one of the best ever. His star receivers are gone and still gets the job done. His ability to lead is untouchable. His showmanship is that of a franchise player. If you look at the receivers he has had, what he has, and the changes he has gone through, you will see why he is as good as some say he is. Brady's team against the 72 Dolphins. I wonder who would win that one?
Brady is pretty good, but his surrounding cast is underrated. He has 2 pretty darn good tight ends, a top notch WR in Welker, and a great OL. The OL gives him enough time to find his other WRs, who will get open eventually if given the time, plus Branch is a little underrated.

I'm not trying to discredit Brady since I think he's pretty damn good and also very clutch, but I think Peyton is just as good while usually working with less.

But to answer your question, 72 Fins! Really tho, you can't compare modern teams to earlier teams. The size and speed is totally different. If you put Brady on a team in 72, the 72 Fins would win.


Brady didn't take his team to the Super Bowl in 2006 (the year before 16-0, 2007). He didn't win the 16-0 season Super Bowl.

Steve Young didn't even come close to equaling Montana's success. Montana won four Super Bowls, Young one. Attemping more than 15 passes, Young is 8-6 in the post-season whereas Montana is 16-7. No comparison.

Brady enters this season with a 14-4 (behind Montana) playoff record and three rings. He has the 'chance' to be compared to Montana but not yet.

I was saying "16-0 AND the Super Bowl" the year before Cassel's 11-5 season.

You're not giving Steve Young a very fair rap. Joe Montana's competition wasn't quite as strong as Young's, plus he had a young Jerry Rice to throw the ball to. Steve Young went against an all-timer of a team in Dallas. He beat pretty much everyone in his path besides the Cowboys. Then he beat the Cowboys and won a Super Bowl. After that, injuries kinda screwed him over and his team wasn't all that great. I'm not saying Young is JUST AS GOOD as Montana, but it's tough to compare records straight up when you don't look at the team they have as well as their competition.

I was trying to point out that there wasn't really a drop off in the team after Montana left and Young took over. Look at the last few years of the Montana era compared to the first few with Young. They won a Super Bowl in Young's second(?) season as the full-time starter after losing to the Cowboys in the NFC Championship the year before. They pretty much continued their success. After that you get very different teams and competition and the direct comparison is lost.


I agree with Beta about Young....I don't think he is in the convo for GREATEST ever...but def a top 10 QB. Montana gets his props for winning the 4 SB's as well as modernizing the position of QB. I think by the time he left the 49ers everyone had caught up to defending the WCO and Young had a harder time.....but still was successful.

I would have to say now Montana is number one.....despite my trolling remark earlier....but if Brady wins this year he'll have a right in that arguement to the throne....Manning has became a 1 man wrecking machine and is in the top 5 I think.....after that you can argue for so many others.....Current QB's I think Big Ben has a shot as a top 10 all timer if he can continue to improve.


They're out to get us
I agree with Beta about Young....I don't think he is in the convo for GREATEST ever...but def a top 10 QB. Montana gets his props for winning the 4 SB's as well as modernizing the position of QB. I think by the time he left the 49ers everyone had caught up to defending the WCO and Young had a harder time.....but still was successful.

I would have to say now Montana is number one.....despite my trolling remark earlier....but if Brady wins this year he'll have a right in that arguement to the throne....Manning has became a 1 man wrecking machine and is in the top 5 I think.....after that you can argue for so many others.....Current QB's I think Big Ben has a shot as a top 10 all timer if he can continue to improve.

That brings me to another point. You're ready to throw 3 guys currently playing into the top 10 ALL TIME, while others are tempted to throw in Brees, Rivers, Favre, and others. The NFL has changed so much over the years. I don't see how Big Ben can be thrown into the top ever just because he has 2 Super Bowls. He was more of a caretaker for his first one anyway. That's like saying Trent Dilfer should be in the conversation because he won a Super Bowl at Tampa. He didn't screw up while the running game and defense won it for them.

It's tough to compare QBs, but you have to look at their era too. With this many great passing QBs, is it dumb luck or is it the style of the game? How many passing QBs were throwing for over 4000 or 5000 yards when Marino did it? How about now? Before Marino broke those records (now broken by Favre), the last guy was Fran Tarkenton in the 70s! The game has become a lot more pass oriented now.

There are many elements to consider. Using solely stats doesn't work because of the era. Using playoff record ignores the team you're on and your opponent. Does anyone think Manning playing in place of Brady wouldn't have won those 3 Super Bowls, or possibly more? Come on now.