Tom Brady skips White House ceremony

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
He went to his parent's anniversary party. I'm sure they celebrated that event on the same date that they got married 50 years ago.

Several other players didn't go to the event but weren't mentioned as being racist or being disrespectful to the president. Guess why they weren't called out as being racists.
It is reported that they were married 46 years ago on April 19, 1969.

Still a good enough reason to skip the White House.


Well-Known Member
I invited Barack Obama and Stephen A Smith to my house for hot dogs and beer, if they don't show its because they are racist.


Well-Known Member
Now see, I don't let my politics get in the way of recognizing the significance the position, the WH, the Oval Office, etc… I would consider it an honor to be invited to the WH, even if it is from a president I have huge disagreements with. These events are planned way in advanced and Brady could have changed his ‘family commitment’ (unless, of course, it was a funeral or something like that).

Now I don’t consider it racist at all. I just don’t see Brady that way. But I do think it was pretty disrespectful to not go. Disrespectful to the Office and to his team.

Agree with you most the time Psy, not on this one. I feel this POTUS has disrespected the Constitution, and most law abiding, tax paying citizens in this country.