Do you actually READ...
rraley said:
Brainwashed? No, I think that blindly accepting the Washington Post as a liberal rag is brainwashed. I see all publications as basically's when you read the editorial page that it isn't.
...the Post?
Today, front page, Top:
Filibuster Rule Change Opposed: 66% in Poll Reject Senate GOP Plan to Ease Confirmation of Bushs judicial Nominee
Then we read the story, 'a STRONG percentage of AMERICANS oppose changing rules that would make it easier for Bush to get his way.'
Then we read it's a Wash Post/ABC poll.
There's no mention of the word 'filibuster' in the poll question. Now, we can move on to A5, Col 1 for perhaps some more detail goop or we can breeze the front page as the vast majority of people do and accept the FACT that the VAST majority of AMERICANS reject changing the Senate filibuster rules.
So, we also know this is VERY important because it is at the TOP of the FRONT page.
Now, does the poll ask what percetage of these 'Americans' know what the word 'filibuster' means? Does the poll ask how this vast majority of Americans felt about 'filibusters' when the GOP was using them to thwart Clinton?
Who is this VAST majority of Americans who so STRONGLY agree on one arcane issue in this suppossed 'purple' land?
Then Young RR, in dawns on you that the Washington Post, in all their journalistic glory and reporters dogged desire to get out the 'truth' have chosen to give the reader this front page, top, story about....A POLL.
News? Reporting?
Further Front Page Integrity:
DeLay Woes Prompt Rush to Refile Forms; Law makers Fear Ripples Over Ethics
Law makers fear ripple over ethics? What the hell does that mean? Oh, that ethics challenged guy, DeLay, that must be it!
On we go: 'members of Congress are RUSHING to amend their travel and campaign records FEARING that the CONTROVERSY over TOM DESATAN will trigger and ethics WAR that will bring greater scrutiny over their own travel and official activities.'
So there we have MORE FRONT PAGE NEWS! What Tom DeLay DID is SO BAD nobody even wants a whiff of inpropriety to come their way.
Or could it have read 'Fumbing DeLay witch hunt now has Congress at a standstill invloved in a 'Holier Than Thou' race over things they all do that are all legal and all not a very big deal. Members are also trying to brush up on their 'filibuster' knowledge as VAST MAJORITIES OF AMERICANS are entrhalled with the minutiae of Senate rules."
Shall we go to yesterday?
RR, do you think you'd know 'bias', really, if it jumped up and bit you in the azz?