Exactly. How many people are checking their email. I was and don't even need to go on base.and we all know how well that's been working?
Instead of the nautical term, Flank Speed, maybe they should have called it Full Stop
Let's see, low bid the hardware (laptops can't handle all the crap they push)
Network can't find itself because it's so slow. Yes, use TEAMS, except one hiccup and it takes a dozen restarts to get connected again.
Was on a conference hosted by another branch (who shall go unnamed). They used Zoom for government and it worked pretty damn good.
Not the Navy, we have to reinvent the wheel. So unless you have a contract for someone else to host the meeting, it's dial in and distribute the charts. But wait. Nobody got the charts because emails were rejected or never received.
Yep, they sent an email, but like a tree falling in the forest, if nobody gets it does it really matter if it was sent.
Flank Speed.... I was migrated last night. I was having issues with email this morning. After spending neatly an hour on the phone with NMCI, just to find out that my PIV didn't complete LAST WEEK when I did it. So now I have to take it on base and hardwire in and call them back. Today would have been a great day to do that, but nope. It's a holiday and unable to get into the spaces I needed to. They cherry on top is I have no access to someone's calendar that I manage until they are migrated. And they don't know when that will happy.
Me sigh...