Tonsills out as an adult


Dream Stealer
So yay for me..I am going to have my tonsills removed. I keep reading about how aweful it is for adults and such..anyone have their tonsills out as adults? was it as horrible as i'm being led to believe?:cds:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
As I am abnormally healthy, I have never had tonsil problems. But if I did, I'm sure I'd rip them out with my bare hands and be back at work within an hour.


Seriously, I've had a couple of friends who had their tonsils out as adults, and it was discomfort but no biggie. If you can give birth, you can have your tonsils out.


Dream Stealer
Sometimes I have absolutely felt like ripping them out myself. ..
I just can't believe it is the horrofest some make it out to be. I am sure your friends' reactions are the norm. thanks :)


Obama destroyed America
As I am abnormally healthy, I have never had tonsil problems. But if I did, I'm sure I'd rip them out with my bare hands and be back at work within an hour.


Seriously, I've had a couple of friends who had their tonsils out as adults, and it was discomfort but no biggie. If you can give birth, you can have your tonsils out.
I cant give birth. :ohwell:


off the shelf
Guy I contract for had his out at 43, he went in on a Friday(I think) and stay home till about Tuesday/Wednesday

He is an incredible whiner and was on pain meds for quite a while as he thought they didn't sew something up correctly and felt like there was something caught in his throat....which he claimed caused him pain :rolleyes:

added note: I believe he checks up on me on this forum and the last part was for his benefit


So yay for me..I am going to have my tonsills removed. I keep reading about how aweful it is for adults and such..anyone have their tonsills out as adults? was it as horrible as i'm being led to believe?:cds:

I had mine out w/adenoids when I was early 20s. Its very sore for about the first 48 hours. I drank some sort of grape childs tylenol elixer or something for pain and got through it. By day 3 I was up and about and day four back to smoking :lol: You'll be much better by day 5 :buddies: Popsicles and mashed potatoes with gravy were staples throughout. :lol: Good luck!! :clap:


Lem Putt
I had mine out last year, as well as Uvuloplasty. The most pain I have ever experienced in my life, and it felt like it lasted for ever.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My wife gave birth twice. She had her tonsils out when she was 39. She said that childbirth was easy compared to the tonsils.

I broke my collarbone skiing when I was 31 or so. It was incredibly painful.


Child birth results in a child that causes you 18 years of pain, off and on.

Here goes the collarbone....

So put that to MMMom and see how she feels now.


New Member
I had mine out when I was 34. No big deal. I think I was out for @ 5 days from work but have not had a sore throat since then. Best decision I ever made!!!!


Happy Camper
I had mine out last year, as well as Uvuloplasty. The most pain I have ever experienced in my life, and it felt like it lasted for ever.

:faint: Hubby is having this done in a couple of weeks. Guess I'm in for a few days of playing nursemaid, huh? Seriously, how bad was it?