Tonsills out as an adult


happy to be living
So yay for me..I am going to have my tonsills removed. I keep reading about how aweful it is for adults and such..anyone have their tonsills out as adults? was it as horrible as i'm being led to believe?:cds:

My tonsils were removed a few years ago and they took my uvula, too. It was incredibly painful for several days and I couldn't talk for about a week -hubby liked that- but I could still give him *the look* and make hand gestures!
Anyways, crushed Vicodan was my friend for several days and I ate a lot of yogurt & popsicles and drank lots of ginger ale...It was worth it since I have had no throat infections or even too many colds since that time. I also do not snore nearly as bad.
Ironically, I am one of 6 children and the only one that did not have my tonsils removed as a child. I had a lot of strep and throat infections and the ENT specialist said I had a lot of scar tissue on what he removed....


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Had mine out when I was 19. That was when I found out I metabolized medications very fast. (or the Dr. didn't administer enough medication.) Seriously, I felt the stitches being put in. As it became more & more painful, I grimaced & tried to bear it. Finally, the dr. saw tears rolling out of my eyes & then decided the pain must be bad enough. But by then he was done. :ohwell:

I was in an extreme amount of pain for a day or so. Actually, I didn't want anything to drink or eat at all - not even ice cream. I did get pain meds & they made me sleepy, so every time I woke up, my mom kept urging me to drink, drink! the ice water or at least eat ice chips so they could release me sooner. Then I was nauseous from what I found out was all the blood that had drained into my stomach. I ended up making a huge mess for the wonderful nurse I had & I felt so bad. She was the best part of the whole thing - I was the youngest on the ward (Bethesda Naval Hosp) so she took me under her wing as her very own. :spoiledme:

My mom had hers out when she was much older & my sister had hers out in her 20's and they didn't have the same experience that I did. I don't think mine was a "usual" case.

Also, at the time, I remember thinking all that stuff Bill Cosby told us in "Tonsils" was a big, fat lie! :lmao:


Happy Camper
Tomorrow is the day. :cds:


:huggy: Good Luck!!! Today is a week for Hubby's uvulopalatopharyngotomy. He still hurts, but he's only been taking Aleve since day two. He goes back to the doc for his follow-up today. I'm thinking that maybe the stitches are why he's still hurting? Maybe she'll remove those today.


Happy Camper
what the heck is that belvak never heard of it.

It's a surgery to correct obstructive sleep apnea. They basically remove the little "boxing bag" in the back of the throat, along with some tissue from the soft palate and pharynx. If he had still had his tonsils, they would have been removed too.