The College of Southern Maryland (CSM) presents an exhibition – ‘Sic Transit Gloria Mundi’ – featuring the work of artist Beverly Ress Feb. 10-March 19 in the Tony Hungerford Memorial Art Gallery. From her website, Ress describes her work as the exploration of the connection between the physicality of memento mori and the enduring abstraction of ideas.
“Once I have drawn something as perfectly representational as I can, I like letting it go – taking a chance on ruining it, by cutting it using forms found in math and physics, or letting mold grow on it, or letting beetles chew into it, or dropping pools of watercolor onto the surface to see how they physically separate as they dry,” she continued. “That process of ‘letting go’ is tied to the idea of memento mori – ‘remember death’ – and so is important to the work, conceptually.”
Ress will visit the La Plata Campus Fine Arts Center on Feb. 11 at 3 p.m. to talk about her art and her experiences. The exhibit and her lecture are free. The Tony Hungerford Memorial Art Gallery is located in the Fine Arts Center (FA Building) on CSM’s La Plata Campus, located at 8730 Mitchell Road in La Plata.
To learn more about Ress, see more of her work and review her extensive list of exhibitions across our area, visit her online at
CSM Tony Hungerford Memorial Gallery Exhibit: Beverly Ress, “Sic Transit Gloria Mundi.” Feb. 10-March 19. College of Southern Maryland (CSM), La Plata Campus, Fine Arts Center (FA Building), Tony Hungerford Memorial Art Gallery, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. This exhibition features the work of artist Beverly Ress, who draws found objects representationally using colored pencils. Free. The gallery is open 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday.
“I have been drawing representational for many years, using found objects, working with colored pencils on Arches paper,” Ress shared. “I am interested in the observation required for representational drawing: we live in the physical world, and the structures it contains are extraordinary. Drawing is a way to pay attention.

Ress will visit the La Plata Campus Fine Arts Center on Feb. 11 at 3 p.m. to talk about her art and her experiences. The exhibit and her lecture are free. The Tony Hungerford Memorial Art Gallery is located in the Fine Arts Center (FA Building) on CSM’s La Plata Campus, located at 8730 Mitchell Road in La Plata.
To learn more about Ress, see more of her work and review her extensive list of exhibitions across our area, visit her online at
CSM Tony Hungerford Memorial Gallery Exhibit: Beverly Ress, “Sic Transit Gloria Mundi.” Feb. 10-March 19. College of Southern Maryland (CSM), La Plata Campus, Fine Arts Center (FA Building), Tony Hungerford Memorial Art Gallery, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. This exhibition features the work of artist Beverly Ress, who draws found objects representationally using colored pencils. Free. The gallery is open 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday.