Originally posted by BuddyLee
I just dont get why you cant let this dumb issue go but you can defend Bush when you know he clearly was going into finish daddys work and not to find WMD and terrorist. Just sounds like a republican backing his fellow president up to me.
I *don't* KNOW that. In fact, I seriously disagree with that.
There were several reasons given prior to the war as to why we were going in there. Just as there were the LAST time we went to Iraq. BOTH times, no one paid any attention to those stated reasons - each time, they came up with their own.
For example - and I've heard this one a million times - it keeps getting stated "why didn't we get Saddam the last time - why didn't we move into Baghdad and get him then?". And the answer came from Powell, and Schwarzkopf, and finally Bush Sr - the same answer - NOT one of the mission parameters.
Bush Sr. is credited with carefully building an international coalition supported by the United Nations, in the last war. He got cooperation from everyone (sort of - the French were against it, and grudgingly sent the DeGaulle, a carrier with NO PLANES on it). But in order to get everyone aboard, he had *conditions* placed on him - for example, NO Arab nation would cooperate if *Israel* was in the coalition. Every Arab nation similarly would pull out if Iraq's sovereignty was violated (read: government overthrown, Baghdad captured, Saddam taken out).
So the war boiled down to three things - liberate Kuwait, reduce the threat of Saddam's army (because he was in a position to either *re-take* Kuwait after everyone went home - and had been positioned along Saudi's border, to capture the defenseless Saudis) and destroy his ability to make war on his neighbors.
That's IT. Maybe we should NOT have agreed to those - but that's the way it was.
Now - this time around - we had the same nut job, who had used chemical and biologoical agents in the past, *making* them, in violation of the UN. Instead of yielding to the inspectors - a condition of the previous war - he threw them out. He dodged and lied to the inspectors, and re-built weapons they saw dismantled. He allowed terrorists to train in his country. He offered support to Palestinian terrorists. He HAD been trying to build nuclear weapons near the end of the first war, and there was somewhat credible intel that he was doing the same thing again. I really could go on and on.
Now, you have an insane tyrant like Hitler and Pol Pot issuing threats against the US. With the intel we had - it's reasonable to say, the world is fed up with you. Your time is over. So we took him out.
The world over agrees that he was an awful, awful tyrant. The Iraqis can barely contain themselves knowing he was gone. Even people who HATE Bush grudgingly agree, they're glad Saddam is gone.
But for reasons I can never figure - they're upset with the *reasons* he was removed - even though they were never the reasons given by the administration. Somehow, after putting up with this crazy man's crap for 12 years, the administration "rushed" to war to "find" WMD's. Well hell, why? It's not like he couldn't have just stopped and made them later. He HAD the ability to make them at his leisure, and he was too dangerous a world threat to be permitted to do what he willed with them. He wouldn't cooperate, so we made the decision for him. The world is a better place without him.
And this is a *BAD* thing? I'm never going to understand it.