Well-Known Member
I play with him, my husband and I actually take turns at night, when making dinner and such, he sits with daddy and watches *MASH and yes he IS at daycare all day long and CONSTANTLY stimulated I'm worried he's going to get TOO used to constant attention and stimulation that he feels he NEEDS the constant stimulation and excitment in order to be happy. I want him to be able to be content and learn that he doesn't NEED ATTENTION and EXCITEMENT 24/7 and it's okay to sit and play with some blocks without THROWING THEM AT MOM AND DAD or squealing and screaming until we pay attention to just him. Does that make sense at all?
Yes it does make sense. Just remember he is only 1. Their attention span is very short. A few minutes at the most. Hopefully he will learn to entertain himself as he gets older. All kids are different with different personalities. My oldest NEVER learned to entertain herself. But my son did, and my youngest daughter can now (age 6) sit for hours playing with one little toy by herself. :shrug:
In my opinion, at 1, he is telling you he is frustrated with being in the play pen in the evening and wants your attention. Kids at that age love to explore their surroundings, and should be encouraged to do so if it's safe.
He is your first, and kids don't come with learners manuals. Each kid is different and you have to find what works with all of you. If what you are doing now isn't working, try something new until it does work and you have a more harmonious time together. And don't take this as sarcasm, because it's not meant that way, but some kids are just plain difficult children. I know some, and no matter what you do, it's not going to help the situation. I do wish you well.