Tooth decay kills local boy


Well-Known Member
zimmie said:
Hey. Forestal never let parental neglect and personal responsibility get in your way of blaming the government. The only neglect I see here is Social Services not investigating whether his mother is fit to remain a parent to his siblings.
I second that!


SouthernMdRocks said:
:yeahthat: That child must have been in severe pain, it's heartbreaking,, but the mother is totally responsible and should be up on charges of neglect and abuse.

there is unfortunately to much sensationalizing going on to get the real truth .... I heard from dear old mom, the boy never complained and a social worker called 26 dentists trying to get the work done ......... I am guess she heard in on one of the local new channels ........

I have no clue personally, but it is a tragedy none the less


New Member
This is such a sad story. That mother needs to be jailed for that poor kid suffering. :wench: :buttkick: I would never do that to my kids.


I'm the Boss of Me
Their medicaid coverage had lapsed. Read the article.

vraiblonde said:
#3, his mother WAS insured - by Medicaid. That's what Medicaid IS, health insurance for low-income individuals.


I'm the Boss of Me
Jesus Loves you even if you hate the poort.

Sweet 16 said:
Hello.....McFly!!! There is NO SUCH THING as *FREE* health care. That is left-wing propagandist BS that politicians cooked up to appease the masses who refuse to take care of themselves. Who do you think pays for it? Not the Government. It's you and me -- you know, the ones already paying for their own health insurance, mortgage, electricity, phone, car, etc. I choose my charities -- why should the Government force me to support those who won't (notice I didn't say *can't*)help themselves? How much more of the burden am I expected to carry?

No, this is a case of pure neglect. That kid didn't get sick overnight. She could have gotten help before it got that bad.


I bowl overhand
forestal said:
Jesus Loves you even if you hate the poort.
I don't think anyone here hates the poor, I think what they hate are people that are totally dependent on the state and federal gov't, that have become so use to suckling off of the welfare teat they have no idea how to take care of themselves and thier familes.

This woman's ignorance, laziness, and dependence on the system killed her child.

AND again and again, they site bureaucracy as being part of the problem, but again you say we need free medical managed by these same bureacrats.
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New Member
I soooo Second that Bob.. :yay: I hate seeing family having babies after babies and can't even afford to have them.. What do they care they are not paying their way in life!!!! :smack:


New Member
:huggy: There is a difference in leaning for help and taking advantage. I am all for someone who need help when times are bad. I hate it when lazy people who feel that the gov owes them their way in life... :buttkick:


I'm the Boss of Me
Why not? Our military gets socialized medicine; it can work. It's having some problems right now, but it worked great during the latter years of the Clinton Administration.

itsbob said:
I don't think anyone here hates the poor, I think what they hate are people that are totally dependent on the state and federal gov't, that have become so use to suckling off of the welfare teat they have no idea how to take care of themselves and thier familes.

This woman's ignorance, laziness, and dependence on the system killed her child.

AND again and again, they site bureaucracy as being part of the problem, but again you say we need free medical managed by these same bureacrats.


forestal said:
Why not? Our military gets socialized medicine; it can work. It's having some problems right now, but it worked great during the latter years of the Clinton Administration.
You are sooooooooooooooooooooooooo damn funny :lmao: :killingme :roflmao::killingme:roflmao: :lmao:


I bowl overhand
forestal said:
Why not? Our military gets socialized medicine; it can work. It's having some problems right now, but it worked great during the latter years of the Clinton Administration.

Go back under your rock, you have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

The military doesn't get socialized medicine, it gets military medicine. Military docotors on the DOD's money. You don't find many of the good doctors hanging around in the military, and most are there to begin with because the military paid for their medical school or paid off their loans after the fact. They agree to this deal becasue they know after 4 - 6 years they can get out in the private sector with no bills and make a hell of a lot more money. With Socialized medicine, where do they go? You limit their income, and there is no "better life" on the horizon.

How good do you think our top US surgeons are going to be when you limit their income to say 75K a year? How many great minds will chose to go to Medical School, when there are far better opportunities out there?

There is NO comparison between military medicine and socialized medicine, but how would you know that, as one that has never been in the military.

ANd the remark about Clinton?? You have to prove that. He gutted the military so much I'm surprised we even have ANY hospitals in the military of any value.


I bowl overhand
AND there is no draft in this country, but if I recall, Doctors and RN's have to register when they graduate.

I don't think Socialized medicine will be capable of drafting doctors that decide to go find other means of employment!


I know nothing
forestal said:
Why not? Our military gets socialized medicine; it can work. It's having some problems right now, but it worked great during the latter years of the Clinton Administration.

Was that before or after he cheated on his wife with Monica?


I'm the Boss of Me
WTF Bobo?

It doesn't matter if the doctors are military or not, it's a government run health care system that's free. That's socialized medicine.

itsbob said:

Go back under your rock, you have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

The military doesn't get socialized medicine, it gets military medicine. Military docotors on the DOD's money. You don't find many of the good doctors hanging around in the military, and most are there to begin with because the military paid for their medical school or paid off their loans after the fact. They agree to this deal becasue they know after 4 - 6 years they can get out in the private sector with no bills and make a hell of a lot more money. With Socialized medicine, where do they go? You limit their income, and there is no "better life" on the horizon.

How good do you think our top US surgeons are going to be when you limit their income to say 75K a year? How many great minds will chose to go to Medical School, when there are far better opportunities out there?

There is NO comparison between military medicine and socialized medicine, but how would you know that, as one that has never been in the military.

ANd the remark about Clinton?? You have to prove that. He gutted the military so much I'm surprised we even have ANY hospitals in the military of any value.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
forestal said:
It doesn't matter if the doctors are military or not, it's a government run health care system that's free. That's socialized medicine.

Walter Reed is in trouble for providing substandard care AND this woman let her Medicare lapse and her son died.

Tell me again what's so great about government-run health care?


New Member
vraiblonde said:

Walter Reed is in trouble for providing substandard care AND this woman let her Medicare lapse and her son died.

Tell me again what's so great about government-run health care?
I want Dr. House... :killingme


I bowl overhand
forestal said:
WTF Bobo?

It doesn't matter if the doctors are military or not, it's a government run health care system that's free. That's socialized medicine.
No actually you're wrong again.. a general is not part of the gov't, he's a part of the military. The hospitals, doctors, and generals that run them are paid through the defense budget.

Now answer the rest of the points I brought up in the previous post.. just don't pick and choose.

What's the motivation, how much are the doctors going to get paid? Who'd going to determine how much they get paid.

Around the world, all the countries that use socialized medicine depend on the US for the research, and the progress made in modern medicine, if we go to socialized medicine who's going to pay for it, and who's going to do the cancer research, or the AIDS research.. who's going to pay the billions of dollars for Pfizer to research new medicines when they know they can only get paid what the gov't will allow??

This is stupidity pure and simple.. you can't answer any of these questions because the people saying they want this (Clinton) know it will never happen, but it's a fork to stick the Republicans with. Clinton knows Dr's will leave in droves, research will come to a standstill, drugs won't be getting developed like they are now, and all these companies that are successful here will leave. But she doesn't care, she'll keep screaming for it, as long as Republicans are against it, because she knows it will NEVER happen. She's a lot smarter then you are.