Top school principal hides students’ academic awards in name of ‘equity’


Well-Known Member
I'm not certain of the political leaning of Asian Americans. I don't read many articles where they vote as a bloc like the other minority groups. I don't see politicians pandering to them. Offering them freebies for voting loyalty. They don't need those things, they can get what they want and more by effort.

I do think Asians get screwed by university admission offices. And what are they guilty of? Being successful. Can't have a freshman class of 50%, overachieving first generation Asians. How will that look? I say, if they qualify, let them in. F your quotas.

Another things Asians are good is homogeny. Japan is 98.1 Japanese. South Korea doesn't track racial demographics but it's about 96% Korean. North Korea is almost 100% NORKS. I notice there isn't any international movement to bring diversity to those nations. I bet those governments would tell those hippies to go piss up a rope.
Agree with you wholeheartedly on the admission part.

Re: political leanings, from personal observations: the first generation are crazy hard working, so value what they earned, plus escaping socialism makes them hard core conservatives. But very quiet, as they are afraid to speak up and rock the boat. The second generation, growing up in ease and comfort, and going through the indoctrination of American higher Ed, turn hard liberal.


Having Fun!
Parents of those students who were not notified of these opportunities need to sue those Admins personally, and the school district that the school is a part of as well. In addition, complaints should be filed with the College Board/ Merit Scholarship folks. Accidental loss of info is one thing, but this was a deliberate attempt to block information from going to certain students. That is NOT equity, it is Woke Gone Wild!

It is my understanding that the school system is following up with the various colleges that the students were accepted to and asking them to reconsider scholarships. And that is just the minimum that SHOULD be done! Someone at that District needs to take responsibility for overseeing the actions of those two staff members who decided that it was their job to decide who got what benefits from the hard work the students put into their studies. I would expect them to, at the very least, be transferred into lower positions of authority. (Unfortunately, that seems to be what happens in school districts...)

This kind of crap is one of the main reasons that I retired after 40 years. 😡


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Since it is ok that students can get a passing grade for answering the math equation 2+2=___ as, 2+2=5. Well, how does this equation work then? 5-2=3?

This kind of crap is one of the main reasons that I retired after 40 years. 😡

I'm thinking it's more so mainly because you got old/er. : ')


Well-Known Member
Wokism is a disease. A disease that affects the mental process..
This alleged educated woman actually thought she was doing the proper thing.

That is the really sick part, they don't even realize what they are doing.
That of course is no excuse and this woman should be looking for another job , but in reality she is sick. Anyone who voted for Joe Biden is sick. Anyone who voted Democrat in the last election is sick.

Put simply, and crudely, they have sheit for brains.


Well-Known Member
isnt this the same school that just sent a component into space after completing a 7 YEAR CLASS PROJECT??? ITS NASA APPROVED AND IN SPACE NOW.

yeah, sure, some kids in Southeast Baltimore, DC, Philadelphia, LaPaz Mexico can do it.....


Having Fun!
For your consideration ...

Since it is ok that students can get a passing grade for answering the math equation 2+2=___ as, 2+2=5. Well, how does this equation work then? 5-2=3?

I'm thinking it's more so mainly because you got old/er. : ')
Not quite sure what you're getting at with the Math (haven't had my huge cup of coffee yet), but under the 50% rule that many school systems are going to, the effect could end up being that credit is given for wrong answers just as well as correct answers. The "theory" behind that system is that when you are averaging grades together, and there may not be many of them, one 0 can bring the grade down too far for the student to be able to recover from in that grading period. So, if an otherwise good student, had a REALLY bad day on a test, or otherwise missed an assignment, their grade would not actually "reflect" their degree of knowledge of the subject. And that's NOT the only aspect of that practice. Many districts also require teachers to offer the opportunity for students to re-take/e-do any assignment if they wish to earn a higher grade. This one sounds okay in theory but when you put it into practice, it generally results in many different versions of chaos not thought of by the policy-makers. Many teachers have an issue with that 50% policy as there are students who just basically sit and do nothing and get the 50%, and then there are students who may be actually trying and putting the effort in and just haven't grasped the concepts yet and get the 50%. THAT is not equality OR equity, but then teachers are not listened to when they raise concerns about these things.

As far as age, yes, I'm older. However, that wasn't my main reason for retiring. I loved what I was teaching/doing and I loved being in elementary after 20 years in secondary. What did me in was the accumulation of bullsh*t cascading down from politicians, policy-makers, and district honchos that made it impossible to be able to do my job the way that it should have been done. I got tired of trying to wade through all of it just to try to get kids an opportunity to take advantage of using a Library. Since I WAS older, I decided that my efforts might be better in a volunteer capacity somewhere else. I also wanted to be able to sleep at night and not have to worry about how I was going to protect the children from any crazy person that might wander into the school through the front door right next to my classroom. If I wanted to dodge bullets, I would have enlisted or gone into police work. Lots of reasons, really, but age wasn't the primary reason at all.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Not quite sure what you're getting at with the Math (haven't had my huge cup of coffee yet), but under the 50% rule that many school systems are going to, the effect could end up being that credit is given for wrong answers just as well as correct answers. The "theory" behind that system is that when you are averaging grades together, and there may not be many of them, one 0 can bring the grade down too far for the student to be able to recover from in that grading period. So, if an otherwise good student, had a REALLY bad day on a test, or otherwise missed an assignment, their grade would not actually "reflect" their degree of knowledge of the subject. And that's NOT the only aspect of that practice. Many districts also require teachers to offer the opportunity for students to re-take/e-do any assignment if they wish to earn a higher grade. This one sounds okay in theory but when you put it into practice, it generally results in many different versions of chaos not thought of by the policy-makers. Many teachers have an issue with that 50% policy as there are students who just basically sit and do nothing and get the 50%, and then there are students who may be actually trying and putting the effort in and just haven't grasped the concepts yet and get the 50%. THAT is not equality OR equity, but then teachers are not listened to when they raise concerns about these things.

As far as age, yes, I'm older. However, that wasn't my main reason for retiring. I loved what I was teaching/doing and I loved being in elementary after 20 years in secondary. What did me in was the accumulation of bullsh*t cascading down from politicians, policy-makers, and district honchos that made it impossible to be able to do my job the way that it should have been done. I got tired of trying to wade through all of it just to try to get kids an opportunity to take advantage of using a Library. Since I WAS older, I decided that my efforts might be better in a volunteer capacity somewhere else. I also wanted to be able to sleep at night and not have to worry about how I was going to protect the children from any crazy person that might wander into the school through the front door right next to my classroom. If I wanted to dodge bullets, I would have enlisted or gone into police work. Lots of reasons, really, but age wasn't the primary reason at all.

The equation, 2+2=5, wasn't focused on you. What I was trying to impart that since a student can get a passing grade for answering 2+2=5, how does the system juxtapose and justify the equation 5-2=3 as being correct? Using evil public school system institutional logic, shouldn't it be 5-2=2? On the chalkboard it should be written for the class to see as 2+2≠5.

I don't blame you for leaving the public indoctrination system. Public school teachers today are lackey's, controlled rubes, pushing crap on kids that most often go against their own personal beliefs. They know it's wrong, but they need/want that paycheck.


Having Fun!
For your consideration ...

The equation, 2+2=5, wasn't focused on you. What I was trying to impart that since a student can get a passing grade for answering 2+2=5, how does the system juxtapose and justify the equation 5-2=3 as being correct? Using evil public school system institutional logic, shouldn't it be 5-2=2? On the chalkboard it should be written for the class to see as 2+2≠5.

I don't blame you for leaving the public indoctrination system. Public school teachers today are lackey's, controlled rubes, pushing crap on kids that most often go against their own personal beliefs. They know it's wrong, but they need/want that paycheck.
Yeah, this one sentence is not true about the majority of teachers today. There is constant discussion within the ranks concerning how toxic education has become and the negative impact that it is having upon the students. The number one mantra for the last 5 years, at least, has been "just shut your door and TEACH". There are so many ridiculous mandates being pushed down that are totally ridiculous, not to mention impossible to actually achieve. And most of them take vital time away from actually working with the students to ensure that they learn the material. There is just SO MUCH wrong with how we are mandated to conduct "public education" right now. There is not the time, nor the space to go into detail. Those who try to speak up from within are either ignored, targeted, or both. And if you need that paycheck to put food on the table, it's a very real economic risk to your family.

In addition, the current atmosphere in a lot of schools is very toxic due to things like micro-managing, constant disruptions, extremely unrealistic expectations, toxic positivity, threats of physical harm, and mental abuse. Burnout is very prevalent right now. Believe it or not, (and I never, ever thought I would have to say this), there are people who leave teaching with PTSD! It is very hard to explain it to someone who has no concept of what it is like. Retaliation for speaking out is the status quo so the only teachers who will speak openly about conditions are the ones who are leaving, have left, aren't dependent upon the paycheck, or just plain don't give a damn anymore.

I was blessed to work with a large number of talented, dedicated professionals over the years. And I saw most of them get progressively beaten down and burnt out with the conditions under which they had to work.

And your last sentence? Yes, teachers are for the most part, economic slaves, like a lot of other folks.

I am not saying that teachers are unique in having to work under these kinds of conditions. They aren't. What I am saying is that every other occupation comes AFTER your basic K-12 education. And if the folks involved in and responsible for providing that education are telling you (the public) that sh*t is f*cked up, you need to LISTEN to them! And if you don't/won't, what happens to all of the other occupations afterwards is on YOU, not those teacher who tried so desperately to get someone/anyone to just LISTEN.

And thus concludes my TED talk for the day. I'm off now to spend some quality time outdoors in the 56 degree sunshine on January 1st!