Top Ten Reasons For Single Payer


Ubi bene ibi patria


Well-Known Member
#5.. If I like my doctor I can keep my doctor??

See, and this is probably one of the few on this list that is true. If everyone has the same insurance (I.E. the only insurance), then surely most every doctor has to accept it.

#6/7/8 seem more suspect to me, and #1/3/10 are just statements of fact and have no positive or negative connotation by themselves (hey, if we have universal healthcare the sun will be yellow!)


PREMO Member
# 9 - watch as skilled doctors retire in droves refusing to work for Gov pennies ... leaving Customers with medical personnel from 3rd rate foreign schools

# 11 Rationing coming to a health care facility near you
# 12 Long waits for cancer treatment and joint replacement surgery


Well-Known Member
Healthcare is a service provided by a person or company, you have no more right to it than to cake made by a baker or a carrot grown by a farmer.

IAW the ninth and tenth amendments to the constitution, health care is most certainly a right, just as buying a cake is a right, or buying a carrot. However, they also say just as strongly that the insurance companies, and doctors, and farmers, and bakers, all have the right to NOT sell you their products if they don't want to. They can charge you $1B for the carrot. They can give you the cake for free. And, you have the right to not buy it.

EVERYTHING is your right, except what the constitution or your state take from you through your voting to allow them to do so.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
IAW the ninth and tenth amendments to the constitution, health care is most certainly a right, just as buying a cake is a right, or buying a carrot. However, they also say just as strongly that the insurance companies, and doctors, and farmers, and bakers, all have the right to NOT sell you their products if they don't want to. They can charge you $1B for the carrot. They can give you the cake for free. And, you have the right to not buy it.

EVERYTHING is your right, except what the constitution or your state take from you through your voting to allow them to do so.

I don't agree with you, I think that's an overly broad interpretation of what a right is. It's akin to saying you have a right to air, it's not really a right, more of a general reality, but it falls just as easily under 9&10. debating the point though is kind of useless because, to me, it's a case of is and isn't at the same time.


Well-Known Member
I don't agree with you, I think that's an overly broad interpretation of what a right is. It's akin to saying you have a right to air, it's not really a right, more of a general reality, but it falls just as easily under 9&10. debating the point though is kind of useless because, to me, it's a case of is and isn't at the same time.

But, not everywhere is it a given that you have the right to air. We made it clear, you do. You do, because God says so, and we the people agree God says so (disclaimer, I use "God" where the DoI says "their Creator" - I am intentionally using a little poetic license here).

In my opinion (and, I do understand that's all it is), the idea behind the BoR was to ensure government understood some very specific limits upon itself, and the 9th and 10th of the BoR was intended to make sure government understood that those aren't the only things they're limited to - they're limited to not infringing upon ANYthing unless the people give the government the power to infringe.


Well-Known Member
I believe that one day we will have concierge Doctors.
Those who accept the Government stipend,and those who work on their own.

Perhaps even under single payer where the Government does all the paying these concierge doctors and the insurance companies may sell insurance that covers the concierge doctors. Those who do not want the insurance or do not wish to pay can take what the government gives them.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
" I think the gummint does a fantastic job of running things and spending our tax dollars wisely"

Said nobody...ever.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
# 9 - watch as skilled doctors retire in droves refusing to work for Gov pennies ... leaving Customers with medical personnel from 3rd rate foreign schools

# 11 Rationing coming to a health care facility near you
# 12 Long waits for cancer treatment and joint replacement surgery

Presuming you're a free market proponent, the solution to demand would be more supply, right?

Tying into our other conversation about the AMA, a couple of points; an awful lot of medical treatment could be provided by nurse practitioners or, perhaps some new designation of provider. I've heard arguments where nearly 80% of medical treatments could simply be done on line, via Skype or what have you, and a new prescription regime whereby you don't have to go to the doctors, wait, be seen and then get the exact same prescription you knew they were gonna give you. Not all, mind you but, the vast majority. Heck, even if it's only 50-60%, we're still talking about ENORMOUS savings.

So, what if we let better doctors leave behind the 80% that is well beneath their skill level, leave it to the helpers, pay them more that they are making but less than what a doc would get and then have more experts working on the tougher stuff and take some of the savings from below, leave them in the economy, and shift more of those costs of senior and challenger care onto insurance costs for those groups?


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Presuming you're a free market proponent, the solution to demand would be more supply, right?

Tying into our other conversation about the AMA, a couple of points; an awful lot of medical treatment could be provided by nurse practitioners or, perhaps some new designation of provider. I've heard arguments where nearly 80% of medical treatments could simply be done on line, via Skype or what have you, and a new prescription regime whereby you don't have to go to the doctors, wait, be seen and then get the exact same prescription you knew they were gonna give you. Not all, mind you but, the vast majority. Heck, even if it's only 50-60%, we're still talking about ENORMOUS savings.

So, what if we let better doctors leave behind the 80% that is well beneath their skill level, leave it to the helpers, pay them more that they are making but less than what a doc would get and then have more experts working on the tougher stuff and take some of the savings from below, leave them in the economy, and shift more of those costs of senior and challenger care onto insurance costs for those groups?
Great idea, a medical race to the bottom.


Well-Known Member
Presuming you're a free market proponent, the solution to demand would be more supply, right?

Tying into our other conversation about the AMA, a couple of points; an awful lot of medical treatment could be provided by nurse practitioners or, perhaps some new designation of provider. I've heard arguments where nearly 80% of medical treatments could simply be done on line, via Skype or what have you, and a new prescription regime whereby you don't have to go to the doctors, wait, be seen and then get the exact same prescription you knew they were gonna give you. Not all, mind you but, the vast majority. Heck, even if it's only 50-60%, we're still talking about ENORMOUS savings.

So, what if we let better doctors leave behind the 80% that is well beneath their skill level, leave it to the helpers, pay them more that they are making but less than what a doc would get and then have more experts working on the tougher stuff and take some of the savings from below, leave them in the economy, and shift more of those costs of senior and challenger care onto insurance costs for those groups?

A lot of practices do that already, I almost always see a nurse practitioner. I was out of state when I injured my hand and I saw a physicians assistant.


PREMO Member
I've heard arguments where nearly 80% of medical treatments could simply be done on line, via Skype or what have you, and a new prescription regime whereby you don't have to go to the doctors, wait, be seen and then get the exact same prescription you knew they were gonna give you. Not all, mind you but, the vast majority. Heck, even if it's only 50-60%, we're still talking about ENORMOUS savings.

I was just talking to my mother about this tonight, and it is already here ..... not wide spread yet, but yes here ...

who needs an urgent care ... because I have a fever and a cough - they are going to give you a Zpack and codeine based cough syrup why go in