the poor dad
I don't need the official weather service people to come down and confirm it because I already did. Best I can tell the tornado touched down about 7:15 this morning and was on the ground for about a mile. Started down near Trossbach's Produce, crossed over Longneck Road, stayed on the east side of Rt 5 before crossing onto Harry James Rd and then petered out on Curley Road. A lot of twisted tree tops. Very little structural damage from what I can see. One guy I talked to lost the ridge vent on his roof so got some water in the attic. He lost a lot of trees in his backyard but otherwise ok. That's my official assessment and I'm sticking to it!
These pictures don't show much, but I should have a video on my YouTube channel later this evening.
These pictures don't show much, but I should have a video on my YouTube channel later this evening.