Tornado Watch


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
kwillia said:
<marquee direction=right scrollamount="5" scrolldelay="1"><img src=""></marquee>
I see one! I see one!


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
kwillia said:
<marquee direction=right scrollamount="5" scrolldelay="1"><img src=""><img src=""></marquee>
:mad: You're meaner than that mean otter! :bawl:


My Sweetest Boy
K_Jo said:
Not until Catt grooms him. :dead:

Sheesh..he talks about me getting my hair did during a tornado watch. :rolleyes: Guess he thought he might die because when I got him he was in his recliner with a box of Cheezits and a Lite.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
cattitude said:
Sheesh..he talks about me getting my hair did during a tornado watch. :rolleyes: Guess he thought he might die because when I got him he was in his recliner with a box of Cheezits and a Lite.
:roflmao: Pic? :popcorn:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
cattitude said:
Guess he thought he might die because when I got him he was in his recliner with a box of Cheezits and a Lite.
What? No boxer in the chair with him? :confused:


Obama destroyed America
kwillia said:
<marquee direction=right scrollamount="5" scrolldelay="1"><img src=""><img src=""></marquee>


My Sweetest Boy
<MARQUEE behavior="scroll" scrollamount="10" direction="left" width="100%"><img src="" alt="Image hosted by"></MARQUEE>


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
cattitude said:
<MARQUEE behavior="scroll" scrollamount="10" direction="left" width="100%"><img src="" alt="Image hosted by"></MARQUEE>
Can someone gifted please put otter's av in Catt's basket? TIA. :flowers: