Toxic cane toads successfully invaded and are killing pets and wildlife across Florida and Hawaii


PREMO Member
The exotic toad, brought to the US to control pests, have successfully invaded our ecosystems said a University of Florida professor. Governments and individuals search for ways to control the toad.

Toxic cane toads, brought to the U.S. to protect the sugar cane crop, quickly adapted and colonized Florida and Hawaii with few predators.

"I've been around many lakes in many different places," said a member of a large homeowners association in Southwest Florida. He agreed to speak to FOX Weather on the condition of anonymity. "I have never seen anything like this."

"That would have been in March of 2019," he said. "There were large masses of tadpoles and some of them had morphed into toadlets. There were hundreds of thousands of them."

According to a scientific paper published by the U.S. Forest Service and the U.S. Department of agriculture, the toad is considered to be one of the 100 worst invasive species in the world.

When threatened, the nocturnal toads secrete bufotoxin, a poisonous venom, which can kill a dog in as little as 15 minutes, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. The toads have large parotid glands behind both eyes and smaller ones across their body.



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Wait... I thought we weren't supposed to call them "invasive" because of climate change and rising sea levels.