Transcript Shows Vindman, Schiff Repeatedly Obstructed Questions About Classified Leaks


PREMO Member

As Sean Davis points out, Vindman’s attorney was clearly trying to stop him from answering two key questions:

  1. Did Vindman deliberately work to undermine President Trump’s foreign policy?
  2. Did Vindman have any conversations about Trump’s classified phone call outside the chain of command?

Swalwell, Schiff, and Vindman’s attorney disrupted the witnesses’ testimony time and time again. What in the world does Vindman have to hide? Republicans and the American people still do not have answers to these important questions.

If Vindman were working to undermine Trump’s foreign policy, it only adds to the growing pile of evidence that this impeachment inquiry is a hoax designed by people who are unhappy with the results of the 2016 election.


Well-Known Member
An opinion piece to counter our good comrade's propaganda:

Why Vindman's testimony is undeserving of conservative scorn

My colleague Tiana Lowe rightly condemned the original conservative furor over Vindman's testimony. But following Friday's release of the transcript of that testimony, conservatives on Twitter are again attacking the Army combat veteran. In a series of tweets, The Federalist's Sean Davis suggested the transcript shows Vindman was "evasive and argumentative." Others on Twitter joined the fray.

But their assessments are wrong.

The transcript actually shows Vindman becoming occasionally frustrated at repeated Republican attempts, implicit but obvious, to undermine his character and question his motives. And the problem here is that Vindman was quite clear about his motives.

But if you're still not convinced that Vindman deserves more respect, consider this line from Vindman's opening statement. As the Soviet emigree turned American soldier put it, "Upon arriving in New York City in 1979, my father worked multiple jobs to support us, all the while learning English at night. ... For many years, life was difficult. In spite of our challenging beginnings, my family worked to build its own American dream. I have a deep appreciation for American values and ideals and the power of freedom. I am a patriot."

Until we have reason to doubt those words, they speak to a life of honorable and continuing national service.

I am sure all the "Patriots" of, the cultists and the ignorati types will be on shortly and remain true to form as they trash Vindman and his service to the country.


Well-Known Member
Only the most ignorant people in the world need more evidence of this impeachment and it's being a hoax.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
I am sure all the "Patriots" of, the cultists and the ignorati types will be on shortly and remain true to form as they trash Vindman and his service to the country.
And you would be correct wrt to Vindman: we do trash him as partisan, political, and - if Swalwell and Schiff are to be believed - a leaker of classified info. Why are Schiff and Swalwell mentioned, you ask? Because when a question was posed to Vindman by Jordan about whom Vindman spoke to about the call, both Swalwell and Schiff stop the question from being answered by saying:

Mr. Chairman, I want to object that the question calls to reveal the whistleblower, and if there’s no other — (interruption)

Mr. Jordan, the minority may not care about protecting the whistleblower, but we in the majority do.

But you'll note that Jordan didn't ask about the "WB," he asked about what Vindman did.

Hmmm. What would make both Swalwell and Schiff jump to the "WB"? Could it be that they both know that it was the "WB" to whom Vindman spoke?

So a "two-for-one" here: not only does it appear to confirm Vindman leaked classified info, it also appears Vindman leaked to the "WB."

See here:

Feel free to trash the article and trash the political views of the various writers. But what you can't do - considering you keep pushing "READ THE TRANSCRIPT" - is the transcript.

So yeah, Vindman, what a patriot. "Patriots" like him need to be purged from MY Army. Which army did you serve in, Tóngzhì...?

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Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Earlier, one of our esteemed forum members (a self-described member of the Illuminati) thought it was inevitable that other forum members (designated by this forum member as the Ignoranti) would reflexively trash (meaning, disparage without cause) Vindman. Well, appears any trashing that may have been done wasn't trashing at all. Turns out the comments may have been pretty much spot on.

Vindman's boss in the NSC, Tim Morrison, in his recent "impeachment inquiry" testimony made a number of comments about Vindman. As relates to this thread two stand out.

First, Morrison didn't trust Vindman's judgment. Morrison commented that others (to include Fiona Hill) felt the same about Vindman. Also, Morrison had concerns about Vindman's "loose lips."


Second, Morrison commented that Vindman didn't report some of the interactions he had with Ukrainians officials.


(For those unaware as to why this is a problem, trust me it is. In fact, this is a BIG deal in the CI (counter-intelligence) realm. And a "failure to report" coupled with a lack of judgment and "loose lips" paints an interesting picture of the (lieutenant) colonel in the eyes of CI folks.)

So maybe (to the consternation of our esteemed Illuminat) this wasn't a trashing of Vindman at all; perhaps it was folks who have some amount of experience in this area calling it more or less correctly (maybe we aren't as ignorant as our friend believes).

As I've said earlier and elsewhere, Vindman's Army career is effectively over. Good. The more interesting questions are a) how long will it take before Vindman figures out he was used and b) will Vindman consider it to have been worth it.

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PREMO Member
.... b) will Vindman consider it to have been worth it.

I guess that depends on how much Vindman hates Trump

Earlier, one of our esteemed forum members (a self-described member of the Illuminati) thought it was inevitable that other forum members (designated by this forum member as the Ignoranti) would reflexively trash (meaning, disparage without cause) Vindman. Well, appears any trashing that may have been done wasn't trashing at all. Turns out the comments may have been pretty much spot on.

Somethings are [ to quote the Estimated Illuminated Member ( as in dick) ] STUNNINGLY OBVIOUS

Vindman had an axe to grind ..... and playing part in Chinese Whispers


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Vindman, regardless of his service, is a political hack.
Yup; why his career is over. Had he waited until he was a senior FOGO (Fleet Officer/General Officer) he would've been in the clear. But he vocalized too early in his career. in other words, a clear case of premature (verbal) ejaculation.

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Resident PIA
Yup; why his career is over. Had he waited until he was a senior FOGO (Fleet Officer/General Officer) he would've been in the clear. But he vocalized too early in his career. in other words, a clear case of premature (verbal) ejaculation.

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I think he's county on Trump being out and a Democrat in. Funny how all roads lead back to Clapper and Brennan, then to Obama.
Let's not forget Sally "Tarmac" Yates.