

New Member
HI im comming to the mx of nations in september and would like know if there is a taxi company in charlotte hall that would take me to the motocross track (budds creek).Thanks for any help willliam


24/7 Single Dad
Where are you from?
The nearest taxi to Charlotte Hall would be 20 miles away, you'd be better off renting a car.


Infinite Impetus
I think he wants to consume and have a taxi.. you're better off finding someone to DD for you that you know. Taxi service down here is awful at best


New Member
You will probably be able to ride with someone in the area that weekend. There will be about 100,000 people here for the MX of Nations. Glad to see it come back to the states and I am proud to be a part of it. Keep in touch on here to let me know if you find a ride, I will keep looking to try to help you out. :patriot:


24/7 Single Dad
the international MX competition recieves very little press here locally and most residents will consider it a PIA.


New Member
cool thanks for the help.i can drive but dont fancy driving on the other side of the road!!if i dont find a lift i'll pm you.


24/7 Single Dad
william said:
cool thanks for the help.i can drive but dont fancy driving on the other side of the road!!if i dont find a lift i'll pm you.
we also have speed limits on ALL the roads


william said:
cool thanks for the help.i can drive but dont fancy driving on the other side of the road!!if i dont find a lift i'll pm you.

For the right price, I'll pick ya up, drop ya off and then reverse the process later. :lol:


New Member
Driving on the other side is really not much of a problem--you won't even notice it after about 2 minutes. I travel back and forth monthly and it is a fairly easy adjustment.

Turning is the only thing you need to look out for. You're used to looking one way for traffic but it is coming from the other direction, so you have to make a mental note whenever you turn to look both ways a couple of times, just to be sure. has some pretty good comparisons of all the different rental rates for cars.