Transportation Secretary AWOL during supply chain crisis


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My concerns about Pete are still - that he took a CABINET LEVEL JOB with full knowledge he was going to be ditching it for a few MONTHS. Because there's no way he began the adoption process any less than a year ago.

His work ethic has always left a lot to be desired and I think he knew he wasn't qualified to be SecTrans ( :jet: ) or really anything. He was the Mayor of a medium size midwestern city. That doesn't prepare one for a federal cabinet position.

This was a horse trade job. The DNC offered him a position in the Biden admin if he dropped out, the same way they offered Hillary SecState if she dropped out against Obama. Pete was probably like, "Hmmmm.......what position is no-brainer and requires the least effort.....I know! I'll take Secretary of Transportation - those guys don't do anything."

black dog

Free America
That may be but I think most of them are simply closed minded older people who are stuck in 1960 and can't get out. They not only think gay people should be outlawed, they don't want black people sitting next to them at the movie theater, nor do they want women in the workplace unless they're nurses or kindergarten teachers. These folks tend to be racial and sexual dinosaurs across the board, thinking that Leave It To Beaver chit they saw on TV was real, that everyone was good ol' Ozzie and Harriet.

To some sure, to me when the good christian values folks start in with language of an Infantry Marine, they loose that 'good values christian card' . And become nothing more than a typical racist...
When they spout on the street corner and seldom respond to the hard answers that are asked of them after they post.... The closet always is full of skeletons.

black dog

Free America
:bawl: Damn! Mrs. Cleaver was so hot too! :bawl:

When my kid was 12-13 years old, I was watching I dream of genie and barbara was on the screen when he walked through the living room. He stopped in the middle of the room and stared at the tv for 5-6 seconds. :hot:
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Well-Known Member
STFU, you pathetic POS!!...

You teat-sucking government slugs sure have a way of outing yourselves.

I wonder: in which government office does Child Porn USA clean toilets? The Assistant Sergeant at Arms of the US House of Rep?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
When my kid was 12-13 years old, I was watching I dream of genie and barbra was on the screen when he walked through the living room. He stopped in the middle of the room and stared at the tv for 5-6 seconds. :hot:
And in that same era... Sally Field was one hot Nun! :jet:


Well-Known Member
That may be but I think most of them are simply closed minded older people who are stuck in 1960 and can't get out. They not only think gay people should be outlawed, they don't want black people sitting next to them at the movie theater, nor do they want women in the workplace unless they're nurses or kindergarten teachers. These folks tend to be racial and sexual dinosaurs across the board, thinking that Leave It To Beaver chit they saw on TV was real, that everyone was good ol' Ozzie and Harriet.
Actually in the fifties Leave It To Beaver wasn't that far off............ except there were no ass beatings.

black dog

Free America
You teat-sucking government slugs sure have a way of outing yourselves.

I wonder: in which government office does Child Porn USA clean toilets?

He lives in That Big White House on Pennsylvania Ave...



Well-Known Member
You teat-sucking government slugs sure have a way of outing yourselves.

I wonder: in which government office does Child Porn USA clean toilets? The Assistant Sergeant at Arms of the US House of Rep?
The one you're most familiar with...Child Protective Services...
And I see you still have a close affinity for Child Porn, you sick bastage...


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
It's a welfare/transfer payment scheme that robs we who generate wealth and give it to those who don't. I despise it as much as I do other such schemes.

So in your distorted world view, who would have invented the Sidewinder?