Trash Rant

Originally posted by http
You are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off topic.

Pardon me, my mistake. I guess these boards are known for never getting off-topic.
Originally posted by http

And as far as trash being laid out at night in front of a dump, sweetheart.............. its a dump! Move! That's like complaining of the noise at night from HS football games across the street.

Moving would be taking the easy way out. A more proactive response is to do something to fix the problem (voice your opinion to people in charge, start a "litter picker up club" or write a letter to editor of newspaper etc. People should be responsible for their actions so if they want to litter or dump illegally they should be made to face the consequences (pay a fine).

About the high school analogy - you'd expect noise from the football games and extracurricular activities. But you wouldn't want the tuba and drum marching band players practicing in the parking lot at 3am because it was more convenient to them.