Well, Delta did it for me again.
From BWI to SLC, overnight, then off again to SAN the following day. Return trip SAN-SLC to BWI same day.
Free upgrade to 1st class for every leg, along with free food and drink. Priority check-in, priority security, bags were the first ones out at every stop.. They spoil me..
Flew out on SuperBowl Sunday, and had the seat back entertainment with Satellite TV but they don't carry FOX so missed the big game. Did get to watch the movie TOWN, and the sequel to Wall Street for free. Flight from SLC to San Diego was a smaller plane A319(?) and of course only a 1.5 hour flight.
The only complaint I had was the flight back from SAN to BWI the static on the headsets was so bad couldn't listen to it, and apparently it only affected me and the person sitting next to me. So I chillaxed with some Baileys instead..
AND I made it home in time to spend Valentine's with my sweetie..
San Diego was BEAUTIFUL. Perfect weather the entire week, and I forgot to pack shorts!!