Dream Stealer
You are certainly entitled to your opinion... Now tell us how you really feel.
:shrug: It's a deeply personal thing... or at least it should be, IMHO. For people who do full body art, everything usually has a deep meaning to them, and often times, the images they carry on their skin is threrapuetic and comforting.
I don't believe in doing it for shock value, but for those who do it for more personal reasons, I have no issue at all. I'd rather see tats like these than barbed wire or tribal symbols or a stuff liekt hat that's just 'fad' ish.
If I see another butterfly, winnie the pooh, chinese symbol, or "v" shaped flower vine...I am gonna puke. I LOVE old school navy style tats..sailor jerry, etc.. mine don't really have any deep spiritual meaning...I just like them :shrug: but I am running out of discreet ladylike places to put them.. :LMAO: