I guess I could google- but its not that important. I do wonder if this trick-or-treating on a night other than Halloween is newer, or its always been this way. The one thing I still dont believe is that Halloween has "hours". Growing up where I did- you got home from school, thru on your costume and hit it- until you were tired. No hours. If it was on Saturday or Sunday, it was any time after "decent people are awake" (thats how my parents put it) Ive been told Halloween doesnt start until 5pm in a few places I lived. Last year we were ready, bored, and set out- at 445- and got 2 responses, that made me feel like we were intruding before we decided to wait til a lil after 5, figuring the "you're rather early, arent you" would stop once it got a lil later.
The night used to be more fun- no matter what night it fell on. Maybe its just more fun in some towns than others. Probably my favorite rumor Ive heard around here about Halloween is, if its on Sunday - then its moved because Sunday is never a day to "celebrate" Halloween. LAME if it was even considered. LAMER if it ever came to pass.