Trick or Treating


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
We went through 10 or 11 bags of candy! Larry got out his amp and we hooked a microphone up so we could yell things to the neighbors and make scary noises to the kids. :lol: We also drug out the fog machine and blasted kids as they came up the walk. Most kids shouted something out into the mic, a couple of girls dressed like cats sang the "We Are Siamese" song.

It was fun.


I'm so jealous Vrail. :bawl:

j/k glad it was a great time. I wish we had more kids this year. I was giving candy out by the hand fulls for my mere 10 visitors and still have a ton of it left over. Candy in the house when I'm on a diet is the last thing I need. :rolleyes:


I don't know about you guys... But the reduction in trick or treaters sure panned out well for our kids.

Everyone was dumping handfuls of candy into their bags..... Full and on our way home in an hour and 15 minutes.

Pretty good when you consider the greedy grubs were carrying pillow cases!:biggrin:


New Member
:biggrin: My brother and I used to use pillow cases!!

I didn't get any trick-or-treaters either! Pretty sad. Oh well, my puppy would have gone crazy anyway.


Well, at least it wasn't just me. Perhaps we should all get together and party with the leftover candy? :cheers:


New Member
I'm with Sharon send the kids my way. I hardly ever get any children and I too love seeing all the costumes. This year I actually made up bags for the few neighbor kids I do have and went to their houses to give them candy. As for my son we went to the library (which usually has story time and trick or treating but was closed this year), the firehouse and walmart so I can't be blamed for my child sponging off other neighborhood but really isn't it all for the kids.
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