

Obama destroyed America
Sleeplessness isn't a side effect of either, just looked it up as I didn't know Metformin. Maybe just over-thinking concern?

Do yourself a favor and start taking fish caplets too. I use the Nature Made and don't get burp-back.

And as Dr. Lenny said, curb your fats and alkihol 2-3 days prior to get vampired. Makes a huge difference in your test results.
I've been taking fish oil for about a 2 months now.

I went grocery shopping yesterday for fruits and veggies and I get my blood work done during the week so no alcohol is in my system at all.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

When I was practicing general internal medicine I always told my patients not to have their lipid laboratory studies done until they had gone at least three days without beer, wine, booze or alcohol. It's amazing how high I can make my TG level go with a couple beers the night before.

You should also avoid all fried and fatty foods for a couple days before the test and, of course, take nothing the morning before the blood is drawn.

Most bad cholesterol in the blood is made by your own body, diet removes some of the building blocks for cholesterol. Many of the medications you take interfere with the liver and its cholesterol mechanisms. If you can control cholesterol with diet and attaining normal body mass, it's safer than medications.

For Triglycerides, the body makes some in the liver too, but some come from the diet. Your body absorbs the fats from your gut and they go primarily to your liver to begin digestion. Anything that hampers that digestion (including alcohol) can cause the VLDL levels and TG levels to remain elevated.

The reason for removing dietary fats and alcohol is because that is how the "normal" values for humans were determined years ago. If you don't follow the same regimen, you artificially place yourself at a disadvantage when the test is done. You may not require many of the medications if you put yourself on a level plane with the lab.

Dr. Lenny



Lovin' being Texican
I've been taking fish oil for about a 2 months now.

I went grocery shopping yesterday for fruits and veggies and I get my blood work done during the week so no alcohol is in my system at all.

One or two 600 mg caps of fish oil or flax seed oil isn't enough. Be sure to take about 4-6 grams a day. That is done with 1200 mg caps taking two with breakfast, lunch and dinner. This stuff really works, I drove my TG from 350 to 12 on that much fish oil. My family practice doctor paniced out at that point and feared all the fat in my skin would dry up!

Now I take two in the AM and 2 at dinner. Keeps the TG down enough that I'm now on a single Lipitor 10 mg a day.


Obama destroyed America
One or two 600 mg caps of fish oil or flax seed oil isn't enough. Be sure to take about 4-6 grams a day. That is done with 1200 mg caps taking two with breakfast, lunch and dinner. This stuff really works, I drove my TG from 350 to 12 on that much fish oil. My family practice doctor paniced out at that point and feared all the fat in my skin would dry up!

Now I take two in the AM and 2 at dinner. Keeps the TG down enough that I'm now on a single Lipitor 10 mg a day.
I bought online from Life Extension (recommended here). 2 caplets are 2000mg. I've been taking 3 a day. I'll kick it up to 6 a day.
Just came from the doc. I told him I was taking fish oil, and he strongly recommended "triple concentrated fish oil" from GNC. He says the key is to get as much of the Omega-3 as you can, but in this form reduces the size, number of caplets and volume of oil (which can be troublesome... :geek:) One caplet in the morning, one in the evening.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yeah! I get to fast the next 12 hours so I can get some blood work tomorrow AM so I can see how the Tricor worked.



Was the reduction strictly due to the Tricor, or did you modify lifestyle as well < low fat foods, excercise, etc >?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Was the reduction strictly due to the Tricor, or did you modify lifestyle as well < low fat foods, excercise, etc >?


I went through a fairly tough winter and ditched the gym and diet in favor of stress eating and worry. :lol: Actually put on 9 pounds so, all things considered, I am stoked with this result and so is the doc. The troubles of winter are settling down and now it's back to smaller portions and 3 days a week of making the treadmills shudder at my approach! :diva:
