True Blood


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Eric most certainly beats out Bill in my book... but to heck with Eric.... I love love love the new werewolf, Alcide... he is too dayum sexy...:drool:


Dream Stealer
Eric most certainly beats out Bill in my book... but to heck with Eric.... I love love love the new werewolf, Alcide... he is too dayum sexy...:drool:

yesss. And he growls. Which is sexier than popping out fangs. Strangly the new vampire franklin is growing on me too..something interesting about him. He kinda looks like a vampire crackhead though :killingme


Well-Known Member
Eric! Although Bill looks much better this season than in the past 2. I still hate his voice, though. :lol:

I love how he says "Sookie" though. :hot:

Eric most certainly beats out Bill in my book... but to heck with Eric.... I love love love the new werewolf, Alcide... he is too dayum sexy...:drool:

I'm still on Season 2 (through Netflix) but when I read all the books I definitely thought she should have hooked up with Alcide!! :hot:


curiouser and curiouser
Strangly the new vampire franklin is growing on me too..something interesting about him. He kinda looks like a vampire crackhead though :killingme
He is hilarious! When he was texting really fast over and over again and making Tara watch, I literally lol'd. :lmao:


Dream Stealer
He is hilarious! When he was texting really fast over and over again and making Tara watch, I literally lol'd. :lmao:

Yes! he was being too intense..I am glad they tried to lighten the character up a bit. haha he was like "youre not looookinggg" or when he meant to say hooker but said hookah.."that's a water pipe" I was cracking up. tara is usually good for a laugh..but all shes doing is crying.


Well-Known Member
I think it's creepy. :lol: I think a lot of my opinion of Bill is colored by what happens in the books.

Yeah, I'm definitely not much of a Bill fan. Eric is way hotter. Like with Twilight, I like Jacob MUCH better than stupid old Edward. :lol:

So I'm at the part in season 2 when they're trying to stop Mary Ann. I saw the episode the other day when Sookie and Eric were trying to get out of the church and Eric tried to act human. He was hilarious. :lol:


Dream Stealer
Meanwhile lafayette is amazing. If he was real...he would be my best friend. He is by far my favorite character. though it was awkward to see him flirting like a 15 year old girl with his new boytoy.


.:Georgia Peach:.
I really, really wanted to like True Blood. I watched the first season but I couldnt get past their accents, they made my ears bleed. I did really like Lafayette, I agree with LT we would be best buddies IRL. :buddies:

Maybe I'll give watching it another shot


Cubscout MoM
Did anyone see the preview after the epidsode? Bill in the SUN? WTF.
And the tara and franklin thing yuckkyyy.

Ok, so Is franklin dead? Tara didn't burn him or cut off his head... does that mean he'll re-inflate? Boy is he going to be pissed!@*% I know what's up with Sookie, but whats up with Bill in the daylight...It must be a dream (they've had alot of those this season, like the Bill & sam shower thing..YUCK!)
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Cubscout MoM
I'm disapointed. Is their no one who wants to discuss the show? This is a great show!!! There has to be someone who loves it as much as I do. For those of you who haven't read the books, any guesses as to what Sookie is??


Dream Stealer
Ok, so Is franklin dead? Tara didn't burn him or cut off his head... does that mean he'll re-inflate? Boy is he going to be pissed!@*% I know what's up with Sookie, but whats up with Bill in the daylight...It must be a dream (they've had alot of those this season, like the Bill & sam shower thing..YUCK!)

I think bill was able to be in the sun for a bit longer because he drank sookies blood..and I think thats why he was tracking her family...e was still burning a little after a min..I hate to see him as a bad guy though :( I really dont think franklin is dead..I have a feeling he is gonna pop back up...


curiouser and curiouser
I really dont think franklin is dead..I have a feeling he is gonna pop back up...
:yeahthat: If he was dead he would have been all liquefied. :lol:

As far as Bill in the sunlight - remember in the first season he was able to get from his house to the cemetery without completely burning, so it's probably not an instantaneous thing. Plus it seems like they were kind of in a shaded area, out in the woods, so it took a second for the sunlight to start to burn him.

I think this is the first time that I'm not really thrilled with the liberties they're taking when deviating from the books. I don't like the whole Magistrate storyline and I don't like that Sookie has extra powers. In the books her "specialness" (no spoilers :lol:) is subtle - no light coming out of her hands. :lol: