Trump Administration


PREMO Member

President Trump to Dismantle Education Department Next

“We will send Education BACK TO THE STATES, and Linda will spearhead that effort,” Trump said.

President Trump vowed to wage war with Education Department and give power back to the states.

“On Day 1, I will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content onto the shoulders of our children,” Trump has said. “And I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate.”

Trump said he wants to strip the entire department.

“We’ll have one person plus a secretary, and all the person has to do is, ‘Are you teaching English? Are you teaching arithmetic? What are you doing? Reading, writing and arithmetic, and are you not teaching woke?’ Not teaching woke is a very big factor, but we’ll have a very small staff,” Trump said on the campaign trail.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday that Trump Admin is working on ways to dismantle the Education Department.


PREMO Member

'Prepared to Prosecute': Homan Responds to NJ Governor's Stunning Admission

"I think the governor is pretty foolish saying what he's saying," border czar Tom Homan told Fox News' Sean Hannity, noting he "won't let it go."

“We’ll look into it,” Homan added. “If he’s knowingly harboring and concealing an illegal alien, that’s a violation of Title VIII, United States Code 1324. I would seek prosecution or the secretary would seek prosecution."
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Border Czar SENDS WARNING SHOT To WOKE Democrat Governor Housing Illegal Immigrants From ICE Raids!​



PREMO Member

Earlier this week, I invoked Trump’s now iconic opera piece, Nessun Dorma (“None Shall Sleep”). The dramatic tune played at many Trump rallies was popularized by the final triumphant scene in the movie The Sum of All Fears. Without dialog, in a series of simultaneous, coordinated covert assassinations all over the world, agents of the US and Russia executed evil plotters who tried to start a nuclear war. If that scene is a metaphor for what’s happening inside the US government, a similar climactic denouement played out yesterday. The Washington Post ran the story headlined, “USAID announces sweeping moves to sideline remaining staff.


If one were masochistically inclined, one could argue with Democrats for days over President Trump’s legal authority to “shut down” the U.S. Agency for International Disasters and Dirty Tricks, or USAID. But no one can argue that an Agency without employees has, for all effects and purposes, ceased to exist in a very practical and direct sort of way.

To that end, in what WaPo described as “sweeping new steps,” and a “stunning broadside,” yesterday USAID’s new managers sidelined all remaining non-exempt staff and, perhaps more tellingly, ordered all overseas staff to return to the U.S.A. within 30 days if not sooner.

It was a take-no-prisoners, human resources bloodletting, and it salted the civil service earth. In other words, as one of WaPo’s leakers explained, “the announcements mean that most of the staff was fired, furloughed or put on leave.”

image 2.png

Lest anyone feel tempted to sympathize with this particular group of unmanageable federal employees, consider the facts. Based just on the part we do know, it is fair to assume USAID funds Mexican drug cartels, paid for the stolen 2020 U.S. election, funded the overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically elected government in 2014 (which in turn provoked the Proxy War), engineered the barbarian invasion of most Western countries including our own, and caused, negligently or intentionally, the covid pandemic and its resulting millions of deaths.

USAID probably also ensured the homogenous and catastrophic worldwide response to the virus that it helped create and unleash.

Historian Hannah Arendt’s banality of evil, from her book Eichmann in Jerusalem (1963), shattered the comforting illusion that only fanatics commit great crimes. Watching Adolf Eichmann’s trial, she saw not a monster, but a dull bureaucrat—obedient, career-driven, and chillingly thoughtless. His evil wasn’t ideological rage but blind conformity, a cog in a system that made atrocities routine. Arendt’s horror was realizing that authoritarian regimes don’t just rely on radicals; they thrive on ordinary people mindlessly enforcing evil, making malevolence disturbingly mundane.

We never thought it could happen here. But like a deadly, mutant fungus, the poison grew quietly, unrecognized, right below the public’s noses in the State Department’s sub-basement. USAID’s “independent” bureaucrats shoving billions to criminals all over the world were, indeed, banal, bureaucratic, but no less blameless Adolph Eichmanns.

And within a handful of days, Trump just burned it all to the ground.

image 3.png

According to WaPo, roughly 7,000 of USAID’s 10,000 employees were staffed overseas, meddling in other countries’ business. Last week, their money hoses were cut off. Now, they’ve been ordered to get back home. Who knows how many hapless countries suffered under the Deep State’s dirty tricks and destabilizations.

Last week they were temporarily liberated by the 90-day funding freeze. But now they have a new generation of hope that our chaos agents are departing for good. I hope all the folks who live in those destabilized places of suffering know that the American people are appalled and horrified, and we were co-victims of the same uncontrollable Frankenstein’s monster that our neocons covertly built.

Along those lines, consider how encouraging is this next clip. Some Africans are speaking out, and saying they don’t want the USAID. They support President Trump.

image 9.png

CLIP: Africa doesn’t want USAID, because the money always goes to warlords and dictators, not poor folks (0:24).



PREMO Member
image 7.png
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Well-Known Member

Earlier this week, I invoked Trump’s now iconic opera piece, Nessun Dorma (“None Shall Sleep”). The dramatic tune played at many Trump rallies was popularized by the final triumphant scene in the movie The Sum of All Fears. Without dialog, in a series of simultaneous, coordinated covert assassinations all over the world, agents of the US and Russia executed evil plotters who tried to start a nuclear war. If that scene is a metaphor for what’s happening inside the US government, a similar climactic denouement played out yesterday. The Washington Post ran the story headlined, “USAID announces sweeping moves to sideline remaining staff.


If one were masochistically inclined, one could argue with Democrats for days over President Trump’s legal authority to “shut down” the U.S. Agency for International Disasters and Dirty Tricks, or USAID. But no one can argue that an Agency without employees has, for all effects and purposes, ceased to exist in a very practical and direct sort of way.

To that end, in what WaPo described as “sweeping new steps,” and a “stunning broadside,” yesterday USAID’s new managers sidelined all remaining non-exempt staff and, perhaps more tellingly, ordered all overseas staff to return to the U.S.A. within 30 days if not sooner.

It was a take-no-prisoners, human resources bloodletting, and it salted the civil service earth. In other words, as one of WaPo’s leakers explained, “the announcements mean that most of the staff was fired, furloughed or put on leave.”

image 2.png

Lest anyone feel tempted to sympathize with this particular group of unmanageable federal employees, consider the facts. Based just on the part we do know, it is fair to assume USAID funds Mexican drug cartels, paid for the stolen 2020 U.S. election, funded the overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically elected government in 2014 (which in turn provoked the Proxy War), engineered the barbarian invasion of most Western countries including our own, and caused, negligently or intentionally, the covid pandemic and its resulting millions of deaths.

USAID probably also ensured the homogenous and catastrophic worldwide response to the virus that it helped create and unleash.

Historian Hannah Arendt’s banality of evil, from her book Eichmann in Jerusalem (1963), shattered the comforting illusion that only fanatics commit great crimes. Watching Adolf Eichmann’s trial, she saw not a monster, but a dull bureaucrat—obedient, career-driven, and chillingly thoughtless. His evil wasn’t ideological rage but blind conformity, a cog in a system that made atrocities routine. Arendt’s horror was realizing that authoritarian regimes don’t just rely on radicals; they thrive on ordinary people mindlessly enforcing evil, making malevolence disturbingly mundane.

We never thought it could happen here. But like a deadly, mutant fungus, the poison grew quietly, unrecognized, right below the public’s noses in the State Department’s sub-basement. USAID’s “independent” bureaucrats shoving billions to criminals all over the world were, indeed, banal, bureaucratic, but no less blameless Adolph Eichmanns.

And within a handful of days, Trump just burned it all to the ground.

image 3.png

According to WaPo, roughly 7,000 of USAID’s 10,000 employees were staffed overseas, meddling in other countries’ business. Last week, their money hoses were cut off. Now, they’ve been ordered to get back home. Who knows how many hapless countries suffered under the Deep State’s dirty tricks and destabilizations.

Last week they were temporarily liberated by the 90-day funding freeze. But now they have a new generation of hope that our chaos agents are departing for good. I hope all the folks who live in those destabilized places of suffering know that the American people are appalled and horrified, and we were co-victims of the same uncontrollable Frankenstein’s monster that our neocons covertly built.

Along those lines, consider how encouraging is this next clip. Some Africans are speaking out, and saying they don’t want the USAID. They support President Trump.

image 9.png

CLIP: Africa doesn’t want USAID, because the money always goes to warlords and dictators, not poor folks (0:24).

Those countries were lucky if 10% was actually being used for the designated purposes. Most was being spent by the people in charge.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Keep the fck out of the middle east. How hard is that to understand? Oh, we saved $40B getting rid of USAID, let's spend $2T rebuilding mud huts in the desert so that we can sell missiles to Isreal to knock them down again.
I rather favor the idea of making it all an exclusive seaside resort. Some nice beaches there...great climate.


Well-Known Member
I rather favor the idea of making it all an exclusive seaside resort. Some nice beaches there...great climate.
As long as you are okay with it being paid for by the next 8 generations of Americans, but owned by a private company that will charge Americans extra to use the space because we need larger towels and beach chairs and eat more at the buffet.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
As long as you are okay with it being paid for by the next 8 generations of Americans, but owned by a private company that will charge Americans extra to use the space because we need larger towels and beach chairs and eat more at the buffet.
I was thinking more along the lines of how it is in Alexandria. I sit drinking a beer in a 5-star hotel, looking out of of my 2nd story window bar/lounge seat overlooking the beach and beach bars. The chef has just come by with a selection of freshly caught fish and asks which I'd prefer he fix for that evening, and he suggest how and with what sides. Good to go. The shoeshine guy comes by, as he does every evening, and puts my Blundys back in tip top shape...for the equivalent of $2 US. As I wait for dinner to arrive at my table, and have a couple more drinks, I watch Egyptian families frolic in the Med sea on their vacations. The only odd thing is the women's beach sack and hijab does not seem to me to be comfy beach attire but..hey..who am I to judge? They are obviously having a great time.

Can't say I see where any generations of Americans are paying for all that I behold there.


Well-Known Member

Border Czar SENDS WARNING SHOT To WOKE Democrat Governor Housing Illegal Immigrants From ICE Raids!​

The trans community no doubt has the biggest collection of mentally ill, radicalized, violent, dangerous, child-molesting individuals under THAT umbrella.