Trump Bans Critical Race Theory From Gov Training


PREMO Member
On Friday, Russell Vought, director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), sent a memo to the heads of executive departments and agencies, ordering them to cease using curricula based on Marxist critical theory for their employee trainings.

“It has come to the President’s attention that Executive Branch agencies have spent millions of taxpayer dollars to date ‘training’ government workers to believe divisive, anti-American propaganda,” Vought wrote. The OMB director seems to have been referring to the 1,483 pages of Department of Defense (DOD) training materials Judicial Watch unearthed in July. An April 2015 training, for instance, branded the idea that “individual effort is key to success” as a form of “Racist Behavior.”

Vought referenced training sessions that teach that “virtually all White people contribute to racism” and others claiming that “there is racism embedded in the belief that America is the land of opportunity or the belief that the most qualified person should receive a job.”

where possible, as much as possible

let the wailing and keenig from the left ...... and the hair splitting, misquoting begin


PREMO Member
Similarities to Communist Brainwashing of U.S. POWs

During the Korean War, many American prisoners of war ended up in camps run by Chinese communists. Unlike the North Koreans, who used physical torture on prisoners, the Chinese used psychological methods to induce compliance in our POWs. Social psychologist Robert Cialdini describes the Chinese “lenient” techniques of gradual thought reform in his book “Influence.” He characterized these as:

Commitment and consistency pressures to gain the desired compliance from prisoners. . . . For instance, prisoners were frequently asked to make statements so mildly anti-American or pro-Communist as to seem inconsequential. (‘The United States is not perfect.’ ‘In a Comunist country, unemployment is not a problem.’) But once these minor requests were complied with, the men found themselves pushed to submit to related yet more substantive requests.
Today we see CRT agitators getting people to make the seemingly mild statement that “Black lives matter.” Most are unaware that the BLM organization is blatantly Marxist and does not believe people have a right to own property or to raise their own children. But we can see how many youths have been pushed to these further levels once invested in the BLM slogan. This is what Cialdini calls the “foot-in-the-door technique.”

Another tactic: get the American POWs to write things down, perhaps just by copying them from a notebook, which might seem harmless. But the act of writing is active, not passive. And the POWs were providing documents in their own writing which could be used to persuade others as well as affect the self-image of the writer.

Cialdini noted that when the POWs returned to the United States, the American psychologists who examined them were unsettled by the success of the Chinese brainwashing attempts, and found that “the Chinese were very effective in getting Americans to inform on one another.”



PREMO Member
State-enforced racial segregation — by progressives

At the King County Library System, a private consulting firm called Racial Equity Consultants recently held racially segregated “listening sessions” to root out “institutional privileges and systemic inequities.” Apparently, there is widespread “institutional racism” in the libraries, and employees who reject that premise are accused of “internalized racism.” When reached by e-mail, the firm said it wasn’t authorized to comment.

At the federal Veterans Administration Puget Sound facility, the local leadership has launched a series of racially segregated “caucuses” for “individuals who identify as white” and those who identify as “African-American or black” or as “people of color.” According to whistleblower e-mails, the organizer, Dr. Jesse Markman, convened the racially segregated sessions, calling them “an environment for sharing and discussion, which is not afforded by mixed groups.” Dr. Markman referred me to the VA’s public-affairs office, which didn’t provide comment.

Finally, at the King County Prosecutor’s Office, the chief prosecutor, Dan Satterberg, and senior staff have recently required employees to sign an “equity and social justice” pledge and assigned “continued training for white employees,” who must “do the work” to “learn the true history of racism in our country.”

White employees are encouraged to participate in racially segregated “anti-racist action groups,” as well as agency-wide “cultural-competency” training that teaches them to how to adopt “a new non-oppressive and non-exploitive attitude.”

According to a leaked memo I’ve reviewed, Satterberg recently wrote a letter to staff suggesting that the “privileged, white, male cohort” in his office should “shut up and listen.” The prosecutor’s office confirmed the authenticity of the equity pledge and staff-wide memo but didn’t offer further comment.


Well-Known Member
I do honest to God fear what these people will do, should they win next month. I think it is the beginning of an inevitable march towards authoritarianism in America. Because these guys don't really believe in freedom if the result is something they don't like.


Well-Known Member
Tired of this constant crap about race all the time.
Obama sure made a mess of any illusion of racial peace in this country.


Well-Known Member
I am 78 and have never seen the race problems we have today.
Just as blacks were coming ahead Obama sent them back into the dark ages.