Trump cuts federal funding for Planned Parenthood


Well-Known Member
I'm not necessarily against tax dollars paying for abortions; it's the heinous way PP goes about it and ghoulish disregard for human life I object to. The selling of fetal body parts - I don't want to kick in for that. Partial birth abortions - I don't want to pay for that either.
I am very much against tax dollars being used to pay for someone else to once again avoid responsibility for their actions. Or put another way, I don't want my money to go to someone who is going to commit murder.


Well-Known Member

PP should be privately funded. They can take up donations. Hold a bake sale. A car wash. The fed should only kick in for things that benefit all of us. Everything else should be up to the states or privately funded.

So no school funding since some people don't have kids?

No funding for roads since some people use the subway?

No funding for the FAA since some people don't fly?

How about national parks?

black dog

Free America
Don't be surprised if the claim is made that Planned Parenthood's loss of federal funding will demonstrably and substantially reduce the availability of abortions -

While simulataneously making the ridiculous claim that ABORTION is *not* their primary business. They go through all sorts of contortions to distort statistics such that - one visit - to get an abortion - is ACTUALLY a whole slew of various procedures and expenses delineated SEPARATELY such that the actual abortion will seem - insignificant.

Make no mistake - more than half of all abortions that happen in the country are done by PP. Trying to claim otherwise is like claiming an NFL stadium's primary purpose is to sell hot dogs, beer and provide free rest rooms.
So the half of PP offices that don't do abortions, dont do any women's health services??? They don't make any money???
Its easy, if one doesn't want an abortion, don't ****ing get one.

black dog

Free America
I am against paying for any abortion. Let the stud who supplied the sperm do the paying.
A woman has no business sleeping with a guy that cannot afford an abortion.
Look around at your next family dinner, 4 in 10 have had at least one abortion... Your only fooling yourself.

black dog

Free America
That's not the point. The point is: who pays for it?
Who pays for many things that to most are poor choices being made by the taxpayer?

Food cards, wic, snap and so on
Drug overdoses
People with no healthcare
Poor eating habits and the end results with decades of that ending up with obesity, heart disease and diabetes
Mental health
The millions beating the system
Abortion isn't sh!t compared to a few of those, we dont tell other folks on what health choices to make.
Taxpayers subsidize roughly 24% of all abortion costs in the US with 6.6% borne by federal taxpayers and the remaining 17.4% picked up by state taxpayers.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Who pays for many things that to most are poor choices being made by the taxpayer?

Food cards, wic, snap and so on
Drug overdoses
People with no healthcare
Poor eating habits and the end results with decades of that ending up with obesity, heart disease and diabetes
Mental health
The millions beating the system
Abortion isn't sh!t compared to a few of those, we dont tell other folks on what health choices to make.
Taxpayers subsidize roughly 24% of all abortion costs in the US with 6.6% borne by federal taxpayers and the remaining 17.4% picked up by state taxpayers.

Most people don't want to pay for that sht either.

I don't mind paying for birth control for low income people. I honestly don't mind paying for abortions, except PP goes way beyond that into the dystopian Mengele nightmare crap. That's the stuff I don't want to pay for and they should have been defunded the second they started selling aborted fetuses. Also they turn around and donate to Democrat politicians and I absolutely don't want to pay for that.

That's the problem with the Left: they don't know how to take "yes" for an answer. Americans finally said "yes" to abortion, but that wasn't good enough. They had to keep pushing the envelope because they like to piss people off and flex for control.

That's all this trans/pronoun crap is - flexing and trying to piss people off. Being offensive just for the sake of it is always a nonstarter with me.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Some husbands and wives have funerals for their stillborn babies. Why don't these women who choose abortion to do the same?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
The former wanted their child. The latter did not, or they wouldn't seek abortion.
True. I was just spitballing.

Oddly enough, I was supposed to be a twin. Medicine in the 60's isn't what it is now. Twins run in both sides of my parents families.
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