Trump received $7.8 million from foreign governments while President


Well-Known Member
In direct violation of the emoluments clause Trump recived of $7,8 million dollars from foreign govenments while President.

He paid more in foreign taxes than he did in US taxes

Former President Donald Trump received at least $7.8 million in payments from foreign governments during two of his four years in the White House, according to a report released Thursday by Democrats on the House Oversight Committee.

Twenty foreign governments made the payments to Trump's businesses during the two-year period that the committee was able to review. The information in the report was first reported by The New York Times and CNN.

Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., the ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, wrote in the report's foreword that the payments came from "some of the world's most unsavory regimes," with China being the leading spender, paying more than $5.5 million to Trump-owned properties, according to the report. Some of the other countries that made payments to Trump were Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, India and Afghanistan, the report said.

Documents provided to the committee showed, for instance, that Saudi Arabia and its royal family spent at least $615,400 at Trump properties during his administration, the report said. It noted that while Saudi Arabia did that, Trump signed an arms deal as president in 2017 with the government worth more than $100 billion.

The information in the committee report stems from documents from Mazars, Trump's former accounting firm, which took Democrats years of litigation to obtain. They first attempted to acquire the records when they last served in the House majority and then issued a subpoena to Mazars in 2019. Trump fought the subpoena in court but ultimately reached a settlement with Mazars and the committee in September 2022 that said the accounting firm had to produce relevant records. Democrats say, however, that Republicans then successfully got a court to terminate the enforcement of the agreement in July.

"Despite these obstacles, Committee Democrats succeeded in obtaining a subset of documents that shine a light on the finances of at least some of the former President’s businesses, despite being incomplete and lacking in significant respects because of the Chairman’s actions and significant gaps in the records possessed by Mazars," the report said.



PREMO Member
In direct violation of the emoluments clause Trump recived of $7,8 million dollars from foreign govenments while President.

He paid more in foreign taxes than he did in US taxes

Former President Donald Trump received at least $7.8 million in payments from foreign governments during two of his four years in the White House, according to a report released Thursday by Democrats on the House Oversight Committee.

Twenty foreign governments made the payments to Trump's businesses during the two-year period that the committee was able to review. The information in the report was first reported by The New York Times and CNN.

Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., the ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, wrote in the report's foreword that the payments came from "some of the world's most unsavory regimes," with China being the leading spender, paying more than $5.5 million to Trump-owned properties, according to the report. Some of the other countries that made payments to Trump were Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, India and Afghanistan, the report said.

Documents provided to the committee showed, for instance, that Saudi Arabia and its royal family spent at least $615,400 at Trump properties during his administration, the report said. It noted that while Saudi Arabia did that, Trump signed an arms deal as president in 2017 with the government worth more than $100 billion.

:roflmao: :killingme :roflmao: :killingme :roflmao: :killingme :roflmao: :killingme :roflmao: :killingme :roflmao: :killingme


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So foreigners stayed at his hotels while he was President? Maybe golfed at his golf courses? Bought his wine and steaks?

Ooooh! That's a SUPER big deal!



Well-Known Member
The information only exists in the public eye because there are legitimate receipts tied to actual goods and services. Maybe the conservatives wouldn't be as upset with the Bidens if they could also show the receipts instead of just large wire transfers.

Renting out an expensive office in the business district of the financial center of the world = legitimate expense.
Renting out your fathers influence not so much.


Well-Known Member
The information only exists, because there are legitimate receipts tied to actual goods and services. Maybe the conservatives wouldn't be as upset with the Bidens if they could also show the receipts instead of just large wire transfers.

Renting out an expensive office in the business district of the financial center of the world = legitimate expense.
Renting out your fathers influence not so much.

Prove it. They have shown receipts and even shown the checks which show that Biden Jr was paying back a loan to Biden Sr, as to these mysterious wires you have to prove Biden Sr received them for nefarious means especially considering he wasn't even president when these things allegedly happened.


Well-Known Member
Says the idiot mad that the son of a president worked on the board of a foreign company in Ukraine.

You who couldn't find Ukraine on a map
The son of the president being paid $1M a year to sit on a board of a foreign company while his father was VP, his job ending 2 months after his father left office, is completely equal to the 3rd nephew of the king of Burundi buying a steak dinner for $400 at Trump Las Vegas.


Well-Known Member
The son of the president being paid $1M a year to sit on a board of a foreign company while his father was VP, his job ending 2 months after his father left office, is completely equal to the 3rd nephew of the king of Burundi buying a steak dinner for $400 at Trump Las Vegas.

Good glad you've seen how dumb you are.

I'd say a sitting president paying more in taxes to foreign government than his owns is more concerning.


PREMO Member
You better run and tell the special investigators because they said it didn't happen.
If there was anything to all the democrats hallucinations, they wouldn’t be trying all their Lawfare antics with innuendo and artistic interpretations.


Well-Known Member
The bigger problem is the $2bn KSA gave to Jared Kushner for unknown reasons.
Give is a strange word, and it was for completely known reasons. He invested in Kushner's Investment firm. That money still belongs to KSA, the securities and shares of other companies it is invested in still belongs to KSA.

This is how stupid people are, the SEC filings for Affinity Partners are available, and if you looked at them you would no doubt see exactly what expense ratio the company takes from it's holdings. While I am sure it probably amounts to a decent chunk of change, it is regulated by the Investment Company Act so it's not like he is keeping 10% (he's not the big guy after all).

Really, the actual issue here is that Kushner runs an investment firm when he may or may not still have some inside Washington knowledge. But I bet if Nancy Pelosi's husband had an investment firm people would line-up to throw money at him, after all he is just about the best stock picker that ever lived. So no, it's not hard to understand why someone with stupid money might invest some with a company that may have insider knowledge.

Complaining about this is like complaining about people investing with Charles Schwab (that son of a bitch).