Well-Known Member
Hey, the Russians did it after getting their asses handed to them in Afghanistan for 10+ years. They simply declared victory, told the US to avoid Afghanistan like the plague (but the CIA knew better, didn't they?) - oh, wait, that was the French after getting their asses kicked at Dien Bein Phu, telling the US to avoid getting tangled up in Indochina (but the CIA knew better, didn't they?)....things that make you go hmmm.Again you prove your inability to parse or understand basic English.
Telling someone to declare victory even if the election is still undecided, isn't criminal. It's basic sportsmanship. Just like at the end of a fight when both fighters throw their hands up in victory no matter how they fought. They're hoping their confidence can sway opinion.
It's not a crime to be incorrect.
It's like there's a pattern or something of the US getting entangled in foreign affairs where our predecessors who were likewise entangled in those affairs told us "don't do it; you'll be sorry!" But our intelligence agencies always know better, don't they?
Anyway, both the French and the Russians had something more like a strategic withdrawal than the US did from either South Vietnam or Afghanistan, though the pullout from Vietnam was at least somewhat orderly, and not in the middle of the night like the Russians.