The GOP is a waste and I don't see them coming back. Democrats are a cult and will always thrive because their voters are ignorant criminal drug addicts who do as they're told.
So what if Trump forms a new party? He could definitely get a few Republican Congresscritters to jump that sinking ship, but I'm wondering how many registered Republican voters would switch over? Everyone always whines that they want a third party, but they don't really mean that. They're like the abused woman whose unemployed husband cheats on her with assorted skeezers - she's not going to leave him, she's just going to sit around and whine about it.
Trump enjoys enormous support from conservatives AND independents. Yeah, yeah, I know you Trump haters like to pretend *everyone* hates him, but that's just you living in a bubble and thinking everyone is you. Just because *you* won't stand up for yourself and leave your abusive lazy cheating party doesn't mean nobody will. I can assure you - and polls back it up - that Trump is quite popular.
Popular enough to spearhead a third party? I mean, it's time. Political parties traditionally have a shelf life in this country - we like to refresh that Tree of Liberty periodically. And someone has to step up and fight back against the fascist Marxist Democrats.