Trump third party?


Well-Known Member
The GOP is a waste and I don't see them coming back. Democrats are a cult and will always thrive because their voters are ignorant criminal drug addicts who do as they're told.

So what if Trump forms a new party? He could definitely get a few Republican Congresscritters to jump that sinking ship, but I'm wondering how many registered Republican voters would switch over? Everyone always whines that they want a third party, but they don't really mean that. They're like the abused woman whose unemployed husband cheats on her with assorted skeezers - she's not going to leave him, she's just going to sit around and whine about it.

Trump enjoys enormous support from conservatives AND independents. Yeah, yeah, I know you Trump haters like to pretend *everyone* hates him, but that's just you living in a bubble and thinking everyone is you. Just because *you* won't stand up for yourself and leave your abusive lazy cheating party doesn't mean nobody will. I can assure you - and polls back it up - that Trump is quite popular.

Popular enough to spearhead a third party? I mean, it's time. Political parties traditionally have a shelf life in this country - we like to refresh that Tree of Liberty periodically. And someone has to step up and fight back against the fascist Marxist Democrats.

what would the party's animal mascot be? Maybe a pheasant?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I agree in principle, but people like to belong to something. They like to say, "I'm a (something)." Politics, religion, state/city of origin, ethnicity....humans like to have an identity and belong to a group. Not too many true individuals out there - just a bunch of "Me too!" people.
Historically, we've had parties with VERY limited sets of ideas. An abolitionist party - and one that opposes abolition.
Federalism (a strong central power) and centralized banks - or more - chaos - and empowerment to states.

As long as people have very strong inclinations to each - you can bet there will be two parties.

We have sadly reached a point where people hold EXTREMELY strong opinions on some issues - such that holding the opposite position is an evil that cannot be allowed to flourish. People largely vote Democrat or Republican to KEEP THE OTHER ONE from doing the things they don't like. And there isn't a clear path to stopping that unless you can get a majority of votes, That means, the process favors two.

IF we lived in an environment where issues weren't so black and white - a variety of opinions and ideas could work. But it ain't happening.

Despite the premise that each party follows a philosophy - it sure don't act that way.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This is one of many reasons I love Trump!

But...but...mean! Trump, he's so mean he makes the neocons cry. He should be nice. Embrace Joe Biden and politely not notice that Joe has sh*t his pants and has drool on his bib. That's what a real statesman does.



Well-Known Member
What a strange election we have coming up.
We have two of the top contenders , Trump, and Kennedy both hated by their own party and both knowing what is needed in this country and the only two with the balls to acknowledge that the two political parties are full of sht.