June 20, 2024 |
Sundance |
Most of the time Fox News builds in plausible deniability; however, this time the notorious Fox News pollster Daron Shaw has gone full bananas on behalf of those who pay him to create polling narratives.
Daron Shaw should be well known to CTH readers {
Go Deep}. Shaw has been the Fox News poll manipulator and narrative engineer for over a decade. Knowing the Trump v Biden debate was coming, we knew Fox News would arrange some anti-Trumpism media narrative to capitalize on the predictable corporate theme. However, to see the Fox team make “
Threats To Democracy” the #1 concern of voters, is just a talking point too far.
Fox News creating/promoting the “Trump is a Danger to Democracy” narrative via polling, is as predictable as Megyn Kelly and her 2015 “Trump is a sexist” debate narrative. Keep in mind, in order to see the strings on the marionettes you first have to stop pretending the performance is real life. Far too many people are comfortable pretending.
FOX NEWS – […] “The underlying demographic tendencies that have defined the race remain in place,” says Republican pollster Daron Shaw, who conducts Fox News surveys with Democrat Chris Anderson. “Biden has improved slightly with women and seniors, which keeps him afloat despite significant reductions from 2020 in support from younger voters and African Americans.” […] The top two issues to voters are the future of American democracy and the economy. Next, stability and normalcy, followed by immigration and health care. Nearly half say abortion and guns will be extremely important to their vote, while closer to one-third feel that way about standing up to elite interests, climate change, and the Israel-Hamas war. (read more)