Trump unveils new red, white and blue Air Force One paint job


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
The redesign comes as part of the contract with Boeing to build a fleet of two new Air Force jets. Trump was a critic of the project and eventually reached a deal with Boeing to buy the jets for $3.9 billion -- $1.4 billion down from the original estimate.

"It's a 747, but you know, it's a much bigger plane," Trump told ABC. "It's a much bigger wing span."



Power with Control
I like it. Nothing wrong with the national colors being on the aircraft, and I think it's understated enough to be cool. The lefts gonna explode, of course. Watch for a resuragance of those ole photoshops with gold plate and gun turrets.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
(a) I like it. Nothing wrong with the national colors being on the aircraft, and I think it's understated enough to be cool. (b) The lefts gonna explode, of course. Watch for a resuragance of those ole photoshops with gold plate and gun turrets.
(a) My first impression is like yours; I like it.

(b) My second thought was also like yours; that there will be complaints/snark/shade that it looks too much like Russian livery (not sure if this was in jest or serious, but see below ⬇).

Just paint Россия on the side and they can have 'his and his' planes.

--- End of line (MCP)


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Nice :yay: To any progs who are keening and throwing themselves on the floor: Golf Foxtrot Yankee
Nice :yay: right back atcha!

Who can resist a woman who goes phonetic? No one, I tell ya. No one!

--- End of line (MCP)


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I'm waiting for CNN to run the story and release a photo like...



Power with Control
This is what USA Today ran back when he first mentioned he would like an update........


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
It's time for a change, the current scheme is +50yrs old. I like it because there no chrome (polished aluminum) and will make it much easier to clean. I've cleaned/waxed the current AF1 from 1999-2009. I still have a Boeing proposal binder from years ago when they wanted to modify the the current scheme.


Well-Known Member
It's time for a change, the current scheme is +50yrs old. I like it because there no chrome (polished aluminum) and will make it much easier to clean. I've cleaned/waxed the current AF1 from 1999-2009. I still have a Boeing proposal binder from years ago when they wanted to modify the the current scheme.
It's time for a change, the current scheme is +50yrs old. I like it because there no chrome (polished aluminum) and will make it much easier to clean. I've cleaned/waxed the current AF1 from 1999-2009. I still have a Boeing proposal binder from years ago when they wanted to modify the the current scheme.
Buffing alclad is a PITA but it's not like the 89th is understaffed.


Power with Control
My wifes background in physical security has her using that other phonetic alphabet, and like the age old nasty ol' little baby blue crab thats only fit to make dip out of vs mighty lobster that centerpieces entire meals debate, we have agreed to just constantly argue over which is better until we die :)


Well-Known Member
I might be in the minority, but I think it would be a mistake to change the paint scheme. The current paint scheme is unique and nobody mistakes it for anything other than AF1. It commands that "presence" that goes with being POTUS. The rest of the SAM fleet is painted in similar schemes (blue on bottom, white on top, gold/black stripes) yet not duplicating the uniqueness of AF1. There's symmetry among the fleet. If you took off the seal and "United States of America" lettering from the fuselage, and flew it around, almost everyone would still recognize it as AF1. It's earned that recognition and deserves to keep it.

We had a C-137C that got a different paint scheme back in 1988-ish and nobody like it and they repainted it to something similar to the rest of the fleet, yet different enough. Again that scheme didn't last long and it returned to the standard scheme. There's going to be differences based on the specific type of aircraft, but there is no mistaking the paint schemes as planes representing the US to anyone seeing them.


Well-Known Member
None of you Mensa members have bothered to notice that the paint scheme is the same as Trump's campaign jet...just with the blue on the bottom instead of the top??

Too stupid to pick that up, huh??